
"Byers is committing to remaining a member of her church" - good for her, it's still a clusterfuck, and maybe I'd have more respect for her if she disavowed herself until they righted their wrongness...but then again, that would mean their wrongness is fluid (which is it because this is a made-up religion) and she

From my own personal (and therefore anecdotal) experience, the policy isn't anti-woman, not entirely. According to the article, she didn't identify what happened to her at the time as assault, so as far as the people she "confessed" to, she'd engaged in consensual sex. It's not mentioned at all, but I'm willing to

It comes down to this statement in her letter, " I still think the idea of committing to someone for eternity is beautiful." According to Mormon belief, you can only be with your family in heaven if you are Mormon and follow all of their rules. Leaving the faith means rejecting your family, and, in her case, future

I grew up in a very Mormon home, and 4 out of 5 of my siblings went to BYU. Of the 4 who attended, 3 of them chose to abide by the code of conduct set forth. The other, my sister, left after a year. Not by being kicked out, but because she realized it wasn't the place for her. Hopefully Keli will come to that same

I ended up leaving the Mormon church after looking for other members who thought like me about the role of women in the church (i.e. believing I had value even before becoming a wife and mother). This girl won't last much longer. Fortunately, there's a thriving, ever-growing ex-Mormon community in Provo and SLC.

Ok, so we're applauding her, but why isn't anyone asking her to question the faith that she is blindly following even though it's that very faith that she's running up against?

Maybe this is unfair or unnecessarily judgmental, but I feel like this would be more funny/less sad if she didn't have some minor IRL connection to him. Like, if your wacky friend did this as a goof that went viral, it would be great, but knowing that this poor lady is just kind of counting the minutes until BC


Do you work hard at being this dumb, or does it come naturally to you?

There is not a single incidence of male bashing on this entire thread. This is a website aimed predominantly at women, and the topic is bad online dating experiences, so mostly women are responding with stories of their bad dating experiences. If you see male bashing, it is your issue and you need to work on your

I fell for a medic in Afghanistan that I met on eHarmony. I never wanted to date a soldier, but he was a medic - SAVING PEOPLE, right? - and he was super sweet. He called me on a satellite phone pretty frequently, we Skyped, etc etc. I refused to 'officially' date him until we met in person, until one day he was

He sounds like a nightmare version of Doge!

Short version: Steampunk med student shows pictures of hacked up bodies.

About six years ago I met up with this weird vegan dude at a sleazy dive bar just across the river from my apartment. He looked nothing like his profile picture and had a collection of some of the worst goddamn tattoos I have ever scene.

From Tinder: (in broken, barely decipherable English, translated by me for clarity)

Especially when you consider how the church recently threw Brigham Young under the bus in regards to black men and the priesthood.

He was speaking as a man, dammit! That was personal opinion, not revelation!

Yeah. It's been interesting to watch some of the backpedaling.

Some people take the temple recommend question, "do you affiliate with any group or individual whose teaching or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or do you sympathize with the precepts of any such group or individual," and go really overboard in

The Be Cool and Stop Worrying About What Happens to You After You Die Church of Present-Day Agnostics is currently accepting any and all who would like to join. We have a place for her.

My step-mother's family is Mormon and she was asked to leave the church when she got divorced, and while her family still talks to her it seems that the main thing they talk to her about is how sad they are that they won't all be together after they die. There's so much family stressed in the Mormon church that the