
The comments on this post make me want to bake everyone cookies and give out free hugs to you guys. (important note: I *hate* hugs.)

Not all hostility.


"Not all *insert word or phrase here*" is the gift that keeps on giving.

Not all Jezebel commenters.

Judging from all the defensive and whiny-ass responses, I'd say not all men realize how funny this is.

Not all of it is divisive.

not all stuff

This, everyone. THIS IS THE FUCKING POINT. The State should NEVER be granted the power to execute any of its citizens. Therein lies abuse and horror.

I think nobody cares that he suffers, honestly fuck this guy. All the pain and suffering in the world is not enough to make what he did right again. What I care is that I don't want our imperfect government being authorized to do this kind of thing.

"The Law is reason free from passion" Aristole. (Yes, this was in Legally Blonde. I can't do anything about that.)

Yes, more Black folks are killed by the state than White folks. There are plenty of serial killers, mobsters, and other gangsters who did not receive the death penalty for their crimes.

It's really fun watching all the hateful, bloodlust people, especially on facebook. I remember working on a memoir and having to watch dozens of video about death penalty before abolition in France, that's exactly how crowds in front of courthouses yelling to see the guy's head fall would behave. A bit terrifying

"Meeting someone." Be honest, Franco, you weren't looking to get to know this girl's hopes and dreams.

We should keep in mind that Palo Alto is a film based on a book of short stories written by Franco himself. The older man/younger woman pairing is therefore something he has thought about (most likely acted out) before.

Perhaps you have a family member or two that is willing to stage an intervention. : )

Ha ha, I'm procrastinating, I don't really care that much. I was ready to hate it, but then I realized, nah... it's not a bad poem after all, so let me devote a few extra minutes to my procrastination addiction.


VOGON POETRY! SHE WRITES VOGON POETRY!!!! I'll bet she has a special poetry reading chair she seats her into!

The producers of the Bachelor must realize they've gone as far as they can with the show, so they've decided to go out with a wang.