
More performance art? Ah geez...

I'll admit... I didn't read that, I just read the first and last lines but I applaud you for caring enough to write it.

you are not wrong!

Real deeds over buzzwords any day. I'm not sure how I feel about the label feminist. There is definitely something in aligning yourself with a movement to add validity and awareness and sometimes labels are helpful to social change. Sometimes not. There are many forms of feminism, many disagreements within

Ta Nell :)

So true. Also asking people to blanket term themselves feminist with a yes or no answerr is not taking into account the many strains, debates, philosophies and complexities of feminism. It's another way of making women and women's issues a homogeneous group and that's harmful and, as you say, ends up benefiting only

We are always so concerned with whether Rihanna, or Taylor Swift or Carla Bruni or whoever are feminists. The fact is I wish they were. I really wish they were feminsits and my dentists and my second cousin and Assad and Kim Jong Un and everyone everywhere in the world stood up and said "I'm a feminist and a trans

'Middle-Eastern' is a fairly vague term. What you should say is Israeli as the vocalist is from Tel Aviv. I did enjoy the arrangement but the "this is what you get when you mess with us" part towards the end rings a little sinister given Israel's treatment of Palestinians. I would hope Jezebel would join the