
Iggy Azalea is a racist first and foremost on jezebel, not matter what the topic is. That is how she is identified here.

Imprisoning them would cost the taxpayer even more money, just fine them for the cost of the operation, which probably gets into the 10s of thousands of dollars.

I have no doubt there are people who should not be having any(more) children, but I'd love to see the stats on how often this option is offered to men. Prolly never?

There's no goddamn middle ground anymore. The ones who want to abolish all guns are just as bad as the ones who think toddlers should have concealed carry permits. I live in the country, and I like guns. I grew up around them, and I enjoy the sport of target shooting. I don't necessarily own them for protection, but

Now playing

Hey man, look at this asshole with his murdering tool! What a fucking moron, right! Because, like, guns aren't tools that can be used for purposes other than murdering, right?

They don't like it when their monopoly on deciding the value of other humans is taken from them. They hate it when women admire other women, they hate it when we admire ourselves. Deciding who matters is core to their identity, and when that is taken away, they feel disempowered. For your average loser dude, being

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

As long as both parties are cool with it, I see no problem.

I swear I read this comment on Reddit yesterday.

1. You do not know that. People respond bizarrely to trauma. People often report not crying for days when an actual loved one dies.

Good job Lou.

the vaginal wound, which was 11 centimeters in diameter

I'm tapping out. See ya tomorrow.

I thought "fire monks" were from Avatar?

A little.

It wasn't about showing off what they can do.

Why not both?

During the hearings for the bill in both the house and senate, there were numerous amendments proposed to make the language more specific and clear that the bill was not one of discrimination - amendments to prevent LGBT discrimination, ensure than church-run day cares had to meet the state requirements for safety,

Satanists are really doing a lot of good work these days