
That tiny piece of info somehow just upped my weirdo quotient for her incredibly.

Ha. I've attended one yoga class and it was one of the least relaxing things I have ever done. I spent the whole time fantasizing about how I was going to murder the best friend who convinced me to join her.

So cabs are not for women? Fuck off.

let his ass stay home. why should the punishment be lenient? he mocked a child with a sexually charged insult and he wants to keep representing his school? nope.

"Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo'ne. She was quite an inspiration."

I'm terribly sorry for your condition, and glad you have the means and psychological tools to deal with it, but to tell a person so sick that she wanted to die to try to keep smiling and endure because they have only one life is a bit harsh. Would you vote for a law that would take euthanasia off the table for such a

I have CF, and reside on the severe end of the spectrum. gotta feel for her.

The problem is that people speed read these things and then reblog them. The stupid shit I see on Facebook EVERY DAY proves this. People are not going to links and questioning what they see. They just want to be the "first" to show all their "friends" what they found.

I believe waleflkm is, in fact, fucking kidding you.

It's that they just don't care.

And there's also the minor fact that independent testers from CBS News didn't find the same high levels as did the private, for-profit testing company owned by the guy who filed the class action suit.

Aw, thanks.

And here I was all like, "How come Jezebel never issues retractions? Do they just not know?"

If you don't get the reference, ask your grandparents. Then get off my lawn.

All the women in my family (both sides), have lived to be in their 90s or 100s, all of them outliving either their minds or their bodies. I'm actually kinda hoping my Diet Coke and cheap red arsenic wine will split the difference and shave a few years off at the (horrible) back end. Ain't nobody needing to live til

I own a wine shop/bar and here's my take on it.

Elderberry wine, in particular, I've heard can contain surprisingly high amounts of arsnic.

I guess I'm sensitive to both tannins and arsenic.