
They’re not getting the best & brightest here at J/O Media.

I don’t know why you think anyone gives a fuck what your opinion is.

Bread doesn’t cradle my weiners the way a nice hotdog bun does. 1 dog per bun, the way nature intended.

If we’re lucky, one will kill you for being racist trash.

Yet not used here, in the article we’re discussing.

That phrase is still just as meaningless as the first time it was used.

Damn, I thought that piece of shit had kicked off already.

You must be quite stupid if you’re still coming here for reliable information or anything resembling competent writing.

Even Volunteer Proofreader couldn’t take it any longer. I don’t know if he gave up, or died from overwork.

Some people just like being wrong.

She’s not the brightest commenter here.

He often whines about food over at the Takeout. I think he’s serious.

That’s a bop! Somehow I missed that completely until just now.

He’s a blogger, not a writer.

For fuck’s sake, you must have the most limited palate of any adult, ever.

Kill yourself, it will be the sole good thing you ever do.

ElectricSheep was asking a stupid question, you condescending prick.

He’s a racist troll who should be kicked the hell off Kinja, forced to subsist on nothing but 3 day old Subway garbage.

just zip it and go away

Your comment history is public, you know?