
Yes, absolutely.

Hey, go fuck yourself!

I’m stealing “magic book of fables,” thx

Shut up, stupid.

Not much junk in the trunk, but I bet she comes with a TON of baggage.

He said angry Wert, not horny Wert!

Don’t encourage the scat porn enthusiast.

I hope he shits in your mouth.

*one drop at a time

She’s too stupid to understand what you mean.

It helps, but her sheer, soul-crushing dumbness still comes through.

He’s just here for shit takes & click(mastur)batin’

Brad’s not here to help or have a conversation, he’s just here to shit talk & generate clicks.

Hazards ahead:

Congratulations on your healthy white swimmers.

“men” lol

I would never let my goatee drive a Ram.

She’s the best one still here.

I was thinking of how many times he’s had fingers broken, because that’s what would happen in my car before I come to a stop & kick him out.