
So it’s ok to admit that I don’t like most retro games because of how they look, feel, and sound? I have no nostalgia for them and when people say they’re good and I should play them, I can’t stand them. Minor exceptions include A Link to the Past and the old Mario and Megaman games. It’s not just the graphics but the

Let’s stop claiming that “making up the rules as they go along” is such a terrible thing. This has become such a trite criticism of anything that the person saying it doesn’t even need to elaborate further.

We get it, Jez doesn’t like Macklemore. Not black enough. Yawn.

My mistake, it is still alleged at this point. Even so, let’s just not spread that around.

Also knows no good anti-acne creams

Has anyone ever noticed that Kotaku basically just covers like 5 different games?

Christians get executed because they are Christian - meh, deal with it

That’s a clown comment, bro.