
This is a well-reasoned argument. It doesn’t at all seem like you’re just flailing with a ill-conceived, knee jerk reaction. I’m also certain that you’re totally on-board when some racist asshole says “see, those three black thugs prove that all black people are criminals!”

Wow. It is incredibly scary to me that you think the behavior of certain individual actors is appropriate evidence to globally indict an organization or social group to which those actors belong, and to which they only represent the smallest fraction of membership.

I understand that. But if the chess club member did the same thing from the room where they hold their meetings, while wearing a chess club shirt, would you be in favor of banning their organization too? One could argue that they clearly felt very comfortable saying those things in that environment, hinting at a wider

I know we hate the Greek system here, and are pretty much incapable of feeling anything other than visceral disdain for it, but I don’t quite understand the logic of suspending the entire frat. If the student was walking by a meeting of the chess club, and 3 players yelled the same horrible things to some unfortunate

Because of the CBA, wouldn’t it be literally illegal NOT to fine him for the uniform violation?

Can you tell us more about his motives and psychology, since you’re such a close confidant?

It literally calls him “shitty” for being a white person who raps.

You don’t have to force yourself to like something you’re lukewarm about just for the sake of nerd cred. It’s OK not to love it.

I agree 100%.

Can you provide evidence that anyone has declared this a sexual assault? I can’t find any in the article here.

Hasn’t it already been disproven to be a hazing incident, because, as the quote you provide literally says, it was a 21 year old initiated member? Also, who is alleging that it’s non-consensual, other than Sam Biddle’s implications?

This was certainly newsworthy and warranted an article. I can’t imagine why people think you’re a shill for the game.

How convenient for Greg, that he saw this person (who has remained consistent in his politics for years) for what he truly is precisely when he no longer needed a job from him.

It just seems a bit odd that Greg takes such absolute delight in tearing down a guy who, in his own words, a little while earlier had him looking for apartments on the other side of the country.

Here’s the thing I don’t get, Greg. If Whitlock is such a regressive piece of shit, how come you were incredibly close to moving across the country to work for him? What does that say about your principles?

so what’s like, the point of this article?

have questioned Williams’s strategy and personality, and openly wondered if he’s the right man for the job. They describe Williams as tense and inflexible, with no ability to go off-script when his meticulous planning falls apart. They don’t enjoy having him around,

I’m not very knowledgeable about Batman, but I always thought that was one of its central themes? That Batman/Joker are really two sides of the same coin, etc.

You know that, like, geniuses aren’t always the most mentally stable people?

Must be nice to have so little responsibility in your life that you have time to do statistical analysis on Party City’s inventory.