You certainly should.
You certainly should.
You have won this thread.
ummm um. The sticky-sweet smell of race and class bigotry....
AL doesn’t have a murder/2 statute, just murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide. Like a lot of old-line, non MPC states it uses manslaughter to cover a lot of ground, including “heat of passion” and “imperfect self defense” which don’t exist under MPC. This is highly correlated with the wildly different…
Well, if being off-duty means the department isn’t liable then it stands to reason they should turn in badge and gun at the end of shift.
That fits Weinstein’s MO, but Cosby’s behavior looks more like a fetish.
I loved that show. Sadly, it reminds me how much ground we’ve lost in media representation.
The white people are basically fucking with us now, seeing how far they can push their privilege. Alternately, this is a strategic lawsuit intended to derail Ms Fulton’s candidacy.
Let’s do it.
Hey.... Don’t drag Bernie into this. A dipshit is gonna dip shit.
Can anyone explain why the actual fuck this is prohibited, let alone arestable?
Uhhh.... Why are they given control of the cameras?
Don’t ignore the convenience factor. Most people would rather it be over with no matter who’s in the right. MLK pointed out the white liberal’s preference for order over justice as the primary roadblock to civil rights.
That’s not unfortunate; no one should be jobless in this shithole economy. Since I wasn’t there it’s not my call but, with crap like this I prefer to see them confess, repent, and go forth to preach.
Ol Joe, still running like it’s 1992...
And there are hundred of others where cooperating got them just as dead. Fleeing isn’t a death penalty offense.
He was running away, period. Cops always say “he was reaching for...” when they have nothing else. Sadly, we live in a country of bootlickers like you, so it works.
Police kill about a thousand per year, we think. That’s a hell of a lot more than win the lotto. Meanwhile, stories of black men and boys being killed without a shred of justification continue to pile up.
Let’s do the math, okay? Cooperate, you die. Argue, you die. Don’t speak, you die. Resist, you die. Show your hands, you die. On your face, you die. On your back, you die. Get in the car, you die. Run away, you die.
Yes. Exactly.