
Mice can take many forms. One must always be on the alert.

I don't even play this anymore and it's still hilarious.


I don't know why anyone would be obligated to do anything in the bedroom. Penises of the world, no one owes you a blow job, no matter how swell you think you are.

10/10 would mouth bang.

Don't even mention the word "crunchy" - it riles up my glutens something fierce! I assumed she meant she is lactose intolerant but got that mixed up in her addled, calcium-deficient brain.

"Calcium does such frightful things to my bones, making them so dense and heavy. Without calcium, I can live my life in brittle fragility as God intended."

I've decided that my new extreme end payment, similar to all the tea in China is "All the Dicks in Glory Hole Canyon"

She's cute now, sure, but soon will come her terrible twos, where Grande will also learn to scream "I don't wanna!" at the top of her lungs and likely figure out that anything she can throw can be a weapon

Strange Synthetic Almond Liquid, you mean.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.

i do think it's complicated, and if this interview strikes you as me playing him for laughs then we're going to have to agree to disagree


Best I got on such short notice:

Mr. Belding ate Screech

Ha! So we did email a bit—his note came in when I was dealing with email while drinking my first cup of coffee, so I replied right away. It turns out that the girlfriend's mother goes for early morning walks, so as soon as she was out of the house they sprung into action and got the sheets in the washing machine.

It's also said to happen in 50 percent of such reunions

I seriously bust out laughing so hard at the Clooney joke. So much better than the Cosby joke, which Fey already did on Weekend Update all those years ago. But the Cosby joke was about the courage in presenting it in the first place, so I'm totally behind that, too. :)