
yea, youre obnoxious.

Might wanna channel all that blissful orgasmic energy into working on those empathy skills then.

This is me too. I love them, but I only ever seem to be getting them when I'm watching some darling little old woman at the candy shop dip it and roll it in the confection of my choice.

We don't know that. Millions of people would say our Dr. Huxtable would not do this. We should all stop saying that someone would not do something just because we have good experiences with that person. This is one of the reasons sexual abuse/rape survivors don't come forward.

It's not about thoughts. I'm not saying lock people up for thoughts. I'm saying lock them up for ACTING ON THOSE THOUGHTS. I often think about hitting people with my car. But that doesn't give me the right to do it.

The best part was that when my mom came to get me after I got fired (I was 16 — I couldn't drive myself yet!) she wanted to stop by the mall on the way home. There was a fancy new store that sold tapes and CDs (! — hey, this was 1986!) opening up, and they were setting up the store. In a fit of bravado I asked if they

Scientist: Reed Richards

I just checked to make sure I had enough whiskey to get through reliving some nightmares and it looks like we are good to go.

My electric car lease was being paid for with gasoline savings. I was paying between $250 and $300 per month in gas, and now I have a $200 lease and around $15 per month in additional electricity charges. Plus, my maintenance costs get zeroed out since the lease is under warranty, which my old car was definitely not.

Ha! I actually bought one of these, but not for me. For my cat! Don't judge me—she loves it. And it saves me from drowning in cat hair.


Weekend at grumpy's. Now I would see that movie.

I still have doubts. I have such doubts!

You know for at least part of that prayer Jesus was rolling his eyes and drumming his nails.

Jesus has a full bar in His office with her name on it.

No one understands why people burn their own city down in these situations.