
I'm just picturing him coming to America, showing up in the nearest restaurant, weeping copiously as he eats basket after basket of bread. Finally, he's eaten enough to rupture his stomach, and he turns to the server who is trying to comfort him in his last moments and says, "I ate all the bread. I. Ate. All. The.

If you wear a beanie, you deserve to have someone wipe with it.

Waiter, *angrily*: "Well, maybe I will come to your country then. And eat all of your bread!"

I hope that when other people pointed out that your balls were bleeding you said, "And??"

He knows you can't eat a trophy.

If you actually care about those employees, you'd probably want to avoid trying this. Something tells me that it's the employee that's gonna get screwed over for price-matching a bogus deal, and Walmart won't be hurt all that much.

This re-imagining of American Gothic sucks. It just fucking sucks.

I can't decide if I'm mildly annoyed at people scamming....or if I want to do that to get a Wii U.

The thing that's the most terrifying to me personally isn't that it looks scary, it's how close they are to it the real thing in really subtle ways — the little details. It's an uncanny valley kinda fright.

All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo!

After seeing these, I really want to seem them do Morbo.

He will utterly crush these other pathetic costumes!

This reminds me of something my dad would tell me whenever I was feeling blue: "Son, you'll never amount to anything on account of your tiny-ass balls."

I saw Insane Masturbatory Rampage open for Slayer in '92.

Anyone can tag Moonfang and get credit/loot for the kill. Faction doesn't matter. :)

My daughter is usually amazing at restaurants. She "talks" now, so she's a bit noisier than she used to be, but she's normally an angel. Even my in-laws were able to take her to a an expensive hibachi/sushi place and they received glowing appreciation of my daughter's behavior. Even servers have gone out of their way

It's become apparent all you reviewers and game journalists are Ally lovers. And I for one have a serious problem with that. For. The. Horde..

Between the 2 of them, those children are going to grow up to have the biggest heads (in comparison to their bodies) on record.

Now you have to tell the story.

I like to imagine that multiple black women have called him a punk and his oblivious takeaway was that they thought he was Ashton Kutcher.

@Gourmet Spud: I believe what you are referring to is "Hookah Dick."