The term “YouTube Couple” makes me want to punch baby.
The term “YouTube Couple” makes me want to punch baby.
This always works:
I wonder what her butthole tastes like.
Starlet? Did he blow Jack Woltz or something?
Lol. Deray encouraged the burning of a town based on a lie so he could get some hits on Maddow and Don Lemon.
I do the same but with Jack Mayoffer
Personal Opinion : Tim Scott wants absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump and he is surrounded by people who do so he’s trying to make the best of it.
Explain again how he’s like the drunk kid that killed 4 people? Because there’s no logical way to connect those 2 incidents.
we’re going to find out Harbaugh is a Qanon member, right? or some kind of alt-righter?
Eh. Takei basically tells the same story as the accuser in much more favorable terms. He’s told it at least once on the Stern show, years before the accusation became public.
she’s a 9/11 truther, no?
Can we add here that From Hell was released about a month after 9/11 and no one in america was in the mood for a grimey, bloody murder mystery?
it also was. What Nick Meyer was about to squeeze out of his SFX teams with next to no money is nothing short of amazing.
1 - Lt. Dan wasn’t paraplegic. He lost his legs.
He has to owe someone money.
hear me now and believe me later, he’s going to hurt this chick physically at some point. NOT GOOD.
I’m still trying to understand what Billy Bush did wrong. He’s a host of a show where he’s required to massage the ego of celebrities. He looked very uncomfortable in the clips I saw with Trump. If he said anything he would have been fired in 2006. That he was fired in 2016 by a different employer for it is still…
this is a totally normal thing to say.
When Pete Davison is arrested for strangling Ariana Grande to death because she liked some dude’s picture on instagram, you will know that I saw this coming. He’s fucking weird.
Gawker associated website requesting people don’t mock people they don’t know?