
I bet Huma Abedin is wishing she had a husband like Mike Pence.

literally it is situated next to the perimeter. It’s got an Atlanta mailing address. Don’t pretend it’s woodstock. And yes, part of the reason the Braves left downtown was because the City of Atlanta had been consistently fucking them for over a decade.

Man, he really does catch everything.

If my law school profs were held accountable for things they said about women in class, there would be no professors at my law school.

Even if you don’t think it’s “funny” or barely even a “joke” or cliched or whatever, it’s, you know, harmless. It’s not like he called someone a cunt. If he wants to be a hack from way back, fine. If other comedians or purportedly funny people are trying to censor him for that, then fuck, we have problems.

John Cook’s version of this article celebrated the Israeli deaths.


There are a bunch of shitpig hollywood types that trip over their own dicks to go to Europe to work with Roman Polanski, who drugged and sodomized a 13 year old girl. These are the same people who hypocritically cheer Meryl Streep when she raps on Trump.

“Music to model a dress” is the most perfect fucking description of Beyonce that has ever been uttered.


I don’t understand this site. There’s apparently a bunch of people smart enough to raspberry pi their house into being fully automated but can’t figure out what that drawer is for?

Did Anthony Weiner say don’t campaign in Wisconsin, or send Lena Dunham to North Carolina to campaign?

This is a fun story. I liked it better when the kid was Peter Thiel and Ovechkin was AJ Daulerio.

yeah, this turned out just about right for all the anti-gun people.

you are friends with Daulerio. ass.

Not to go all obi-wan kenobi on yall, but brazilian cops pulling a gun and demanding money is an armed robbery from a certain point of view.

More time for Jerramy Stevens to tear that asshole up.

He went on Stern this week and admitted that he is a terrible person. It’s common knowledge.

you think the jews did this?

If you were interested in a real story, it’s the story not how of Cobb County stole the Braves, but how the City of Atlanta used the Braves as their personal piggy bank anytime the City was in the red and how CoA refused multiple meetings with the Braves while bending over backwards to give the Falcons everything they