That’s like when I tell my kids to put something up
That’s like when I tell my kids to put something up
Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in…
Hell, there’s something pleasantly ridiculous about getting riled up enough about baseball to fight over it.
When a player is charging the mound, the responsibility of every player on the pitcher’s team is to protect the pitcher. Machado wasn’t even charging the mound—he was limping the mound! Perez easily could’ve gotten in between them but just nonchalantly moseyed after Machado, and let the damage be done.
Fan is lucky it wasn’t Pablo Sandoval
My first reaction was “Sal Perez is slow, but he ain’t that slow.”
As a Royals fan, you have no reference because your first game was less than 2 years ago.
The Royals catcher doesn’t really look like he’s all that interested in stopping Ventura from catching an ass-beating. Kinda makes me think he feels Ventura might deserve an ass-beating or two.
About 2 years.
Helwani admits to knowing that this isn’t something he should be doing as a journalist, yet going ahead and doing it anyway.
Black shorty socks with boat shoes? Put him under the jail!
let’s not forgot he was drinking Bud Light Lime to complete the ensemble.
“I am Spartacus.” - Philadelphia sports fans, holding a case of D batteries.
Look on the resale sites, people bought venue passes there for Brazil and Mexico games and some are likely dumping the other one at below face to recoup some of the money. You can probably find seats that are better than you’d get through the box office for the same 50 bucks.
Ticket prices are too expensive. Which happens when a marketing company gets to run a tournament. I love soccer but I'm not paying $600 to take my family to a game.
No offense, but are you really that fucking stupid?
Here’s a translation for anyone curious: