
“Jerusalem is considered the capital of Palestine.” Kind of an odd sentence, absent attribution (considered by whom?), given that it’s currently the capital of Israel and is at the heart of the I-P dispute. Meanwhile, the status of the western part of Jerusalem isn’t in dispute, except to those who want the State of

Send in the 12th man. Goon it up, start a fight, take a suspension.

Like you? Who apparently can’t handle people who don’t agree with you.

Would the article be written, and would the response differ, if she a different faith? I suspect so. I’m atheist and think it’s all nuts, but I find the different reactions just as crazy.

Probably in the minority here, but I think it’s fair for an athlete not to want to take part in someone else’s political speech - not wearing the jersey isn’t that different than not wanting to stand for the anthem. This isn’t a private team, it’s the USWNT, for all intents and purposes an arm of the state.

He called her and said, “did you do this?” or “oh fuck, they caught you!”

The number of liberals that supports Hamas is kind of amazing.

(a) On Deadspin being to the right of Mao basically makes you an alt-right sympathizer, regardless of the actual details of your views. I’m exaggerating of course, but it’s not that far off from the truth.
(b) Even if the above weren’t true, I’m sure most of the Deadspin staff have a huuuuuuuuuge problem with

What’s your issue with Jordan Peterson? I’m genuinely curious. Most of his viewpoints seem to be in line with classical liberalism.

Pierre is licking the Bolts far more than Marchand ever thought of. 

Someone said something who played nine games in three years? Wow, this is huge news. Hope it takes up one of the big spots up top for the next week.

i can imagine few crimes more fowl.

No commercials is pretty fun too

Wait a goddamn minute. There’s a professional athlete named “Talor Gooch”? Way to bury the lede.

The Knights are why I think the Caps finally beat the Penguins this year. Our destiny is to finally get past the 2nd round, and then the conference finals, just so we can lose in the finals to a first year expansion team that was put together by our former GM.

Does Fox really think we like it when they use their own terrible commentators instead of the British ones?

I know popular sentiment might be with Ovechkin finally winning one but you have to remember he’s an unreserved Putin supporter. Sidney Crosby on the other hand, a true Canadian patriot, has almost certainly never voted so as not to offend anyone.

Carl Hagelin has eliminated the Caps from the playoffs every single year of his career except 2014 when Washington missed the playoffs. This year would make him 6 for 6.

And begin his presidential run?

Plyaoff Dwyane Wade!