
“Beyond Mark Hamill’s floppy Tiger Beat hair, nothing about Star Wars even looks ’70s.”

“See, Joe, that’s what snakes get on Whacking Day.”

I’d like the Habibi-Likio: A block of wood on top of some melted vanilla.

If you’ve read any of this supposed plan, you know it’s a framework, not a hard and fast plan with concrete details and/or a concrete budget. It’s also not binding in any form or fashion in its current format-even if it passes, it simply represents a set of ideals that the House is supposed to work towards.  But sure,

So we should effecitvely fire half of Congress because they are “junior members”, and never elect any new ones? Junior members become senior members, you know.

You may question her relevance now, but damned if she hasn’t gotten a lot of people talking about legislation to combat climate change, which is a large part

Alex Guerrero will go down as a hero if he can successfully Yoko the Patriots.

“In all honesty, Jon’s got final say, if it ever comes to that, and I’ve got zero problems with that,”

Mark Sanchez:  I’d be the perfect QB for your team until Lawrence is available.

I have to admit, the best bit on the internet right now is Deadspin making Gruden’s face redder in the hero image for each subsequent article you post about him.

Instead, it looks like a shrouded CRT console from a 1980s science fiction film. 

Only if he has green milk dribbling down his beard

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

Fisher: “Now, wait, Zebra. It’s in here somewhere. Moustache wax...lip balm (don’t get those mixed up, Ref.)...blackmail photos of Kroenke without his wig...god damn it, let me check my other pocket. OK, no, that’s just a napkin...uh, let’s see. Here’s some old gum wrappers...picture of Jeff deal with the