
Actually for millions of us, the cassette and it’s much smaller cousin; the cassette single, this was the way to go in the early to mid 90's.

I remember using these things, staring wide eyed at a blank screen (dead battery) wishing I could use these things to play street fighter 2, arcade version...

Am all for retro, but this is ridiculous!!

I feel your pain. Listening to Come back to Camden, just doesn't feel the same as it once did after all the ridiculous things he has said lately.

The design just needs some changes. They need to give him more attitude, more in your face. We need a hog who gets “biz-zay!” Consistently and thoroughly. Oh that and Rastafaria-him by 25%

Or this....

Breaking news: Raiders decide to sit out a few more seasons. Have major plans for 2021.

Agree! This is is my biggest problem with the show (although I still love it) and why this episode stuck with me far longer than all the others so far...(USS Calister is a close second, probably for the same reason I enjoyed SanJunipero)

They came from the era when thousands of children were tortured by squirming next to their siblings on road trips, without infotainment cocoon and yacht-quality captain’s chairs to save them from the inspirations of boredom”

I hear Marcus Allen can be convinced to join the Raiders...

We need a Hispanic actor with the world’s worst Spanish accent to play Bumblee Man!

I buried Pau....I mean Lucas....

I’ll just build a budget PC , put a bunch of emulators and use an interface like Launchbox and done.

“the boxes are fun as hell to open”

Great idea! I would also be ok waiting for a delayed release on the platform if it meant some of their prestige flms could be considered for Oscar nomination. It’s a great strategy that appears to work for Amazon, why Netflix does not follow suit, I don’t understand...

Its just taking Lucas’ fascination with WW2 films to a whole new level. Director probably thought, hey they loved old school dogfighting in the original films, they are gonna love bombers dropping bombs like B-17's over Germany!!

Oohhh...and the after all that, Howard the Duck goes “daaaaang! Die-no-mite!!”

But then again, what is he accused of exactly? Asking a woman to join a hotub? Context is key. Did he force an employee into the tub? Did he ask politely? I mean what is it we are asking this guy to apologise for? So far I see no Harvey Weinstein type behavior just some over the top (albeit inappropriate for the work

To be fair, she did interrupt his breakfast. Maybe that milk has coffee like properties and Luke needed a fix before having to talk to a whiny stranger about how he needs to save the Galaxy again...just saying...

How about a creepy Luke statue dispensing the milk from his replica bottle, all while staring at you serving yourself?