The Obsidian Order

Why do they keep asking him to host stuff? Some of his stand up is good, I like that he’s a big supporter of animal rights, and I’m sure he said some fucked up shit. But every time they get him to host it’s like everyone is shocked that he was so rude to everyone....yeah this is what happened last time....this is why

I always check the dudes in my office when they say sexist shit, and it always makes it worth it when one of the younglings stops and thinks and says ‘you know i’ve never thought about it like that...’

We had a female vp that used to ALWAYS make me go get her lunch. I was the director of operations and also answered the phones, and still had to make sure she had lunch. I think she did it because she’s lazy and wanted to make sure that I knew she was better than me. The other female vp and the other males ones never

Is it though? When I was 4 I demanded that everyone call me princess elizabeth, and everyone did. Even though that’s not at all my name. It lasted a couple of months and then I decided to switch back to my birth name, because it’s way easier to write, less letters and all that. Now I’m not saying that the child will

We bought a ticket, and will probably buy another one this week since no one has won yet. We spend all of saturday evening talking about what we’d do with the money. Our big points were pay off student loans/our cars, buy a house, donate to some local charities, then put most of it in savings. I’d probably quit my job

I’d spend all of December in Europe. See all the German christmas markets, hit up Paris for a bit, and then spend the end of the trip in the UK. My gran immigrated from Germany after the war, and christmas was always a huge deal growing up, so it would be nice to get to go back and get to experience everything.

I used to give my ken dolls their own tattoos. granted they were giant lisa frank star burst tattoos, but it got the job done.

Good luck man, I’d love to read a follow up to see how it goes, what coping mechanisms you end up using/working for you.

At first I thought that she had recreated the original portraits (which was interesting but still fucked up) but they just photoshoped her eyeballs and mouth on all those women. That’s really disturbing.

I used to do that when I was younger, but had to stop because while standing was fine, when I sat down it atlas lifted my boobs to my chin....looked like i was peaking over some soft boulders. At least I had a nice face pillow for when class got boring.

I posted a couple saturday’s ago about wanting/needing a new car, and that I was worried because we are saving for a house, and that I wasn’t sure which one I wanted.

Same here. OKC was the best experience for me. It’s still a lot of fucking work, weeding through the tall grass of dicks. That’s where I met my current long term boyfriend.

I’m going to say Fallout4 on PC, or Skyrim (because Skyrim is older and therefore cheaper, it’s a better gateway). You can easily turn on God Mode if things get too frustrating, and it’s massively therapeutic to cut your way through the open world. Skyrim is prettier and has some really soothing music as well.

I made mini grilled cheeses out of a small french loaf, parmesan and cheddar, cherry tomatoes, sweet cream butter and a bit of mayo. I fucking love grilled cheese.

wait are they even old enough to have faded tattoos?

It’s been my experience that soaking the pizza in a good wine helps immeasurably....i don’t remember what wine other that it was white. It may have also helped that I’d had several shots before the maybe open with that as well.

Just wanted to say that starting to love yourself now and not 10 or 20 pounds from now makes a huge difference. I spent a lot of my thinner years planning on all the things I’d do, and how awesome I’d look once I was thinner, and I wish I’d just lived and not waited. As for being healthier, cutting sugar and processed

We did the special hell of mattress shopping when we leveled up our bed this year (king size is amazing, you will not regret it), ikea mattress shopping...on a saturday morning. We walked right in, sat on two mattresses, wrote down the name and number, and walked right back out. Ordered that shit on his phone while we

Oh no I recognize that such nerds exist, but like you said it’s like looking at a unicorn. I have a friend that’s the same way, will totally be first in line at the local cons as beast boy, but can’t stand scifi. I feel like it’s just a weird choice not to have one of the two nerd girls be into scifi when all four of

ahhhhhhhh ok then. It’s like every story I was seeing on this was making it sound like he was caught between a rock and a hard place. My dad is into the show as well, I’m sure we’ll discuss sheldon’s non-predicament at length over the holiday.