The Obsidian Order

Is it just me (and it may be because I haven’t watched this show in years) but why have two ‘nerd’ females that don’t have any nerd pop culture interests. I’m no scientist, but I’m a lady with a nerd card and I can’t understand why she would issue the ultimatum of sex or star wars. Even if she doesn’t enjoy star wars,

I think part of it is that he’s getting older. Pair that with all the fucking guyliner though, and it’s like I keep telling my mother, dark eyeliner is not your friend on your bottom eyelid. Plus the unwashedness, which was cute in 2005, but it’s now becoming layers of stratified sediment, he needs a geological survey

Yup. My grandmother is getting older, and since my grandfather died about six years ago no one spends a lot of time with her. She gets super mopey about it. To be fair though, she was incredibly neglectful to all her children, and down right abusive to my mother, and my grandfather died because he was sick and she

I’m so sorry hun, but your mother sounds like a toxic person to be around :/ *hugs*

Dildos AND condoms!?!?! Call the men in white coats!

Ok I need opinions from the financial adult Jezzies.

I’ve done the alone on christmas before, and I’ve been there in walmart with all the christmas decorations. I was 19 and my mom had left to go overseas, I was home (in the house I grew up in) all by myself, and had just broken up with my boyfriend a couple months prior. It ended up being one of my favorite

i had the hugest crush on Bernard when i was kid. Would still do as an adult haha

Not dopey at all, I am so jealous! I’ve been asking my boyfriend if we could get one of these this year, but we really don’t have the room in our tiny apartment.

I like that he didn’t beat around the bush haha

I got lucky and don’t have any memories of impropriety beyond some creepy ‘sit in my lap and play on the computer’ stuff. Either my brain did me an awesome solid by not logging anything else, or he was genuinely too afraid of my mother to go beyond that.

Well if your anything like my family, you let the convicted child molester babysit your daughter, but you never let him borrow money again.

“The C stores/tobacco outlets, etc. with the lights around the windows and doors are not owned by God fearing Christians.”

Hmph. My mother introduced me to star wars. Bought the VHS at a garage sale then came home and told me to put down my home work and we watched it together. She’s not even a fan of scifi. Father and sons my ass.

that gif takes me back. i vaguely remember him being in some teen magazine (ym?) when I was in school, and being crushed because he had a 3 year old.

It’s like the entire GOP has no concept of empathy. Never even occurred to them to just sit the fuck down and ponder why. It’s just so fucking exhausting.

Is he not wearing a shirt under the bullet proof vest thing? Why?

Yep. I wasted my early 20’s married to a guy who didn’t want to have kids, but didn’t have the balls to tell me till I was 24, I’d spent the whole previous year baby crazy. Then at 25, I found out that winner winner chicken dinner I have pcos, and probably won’t be able to have kids without all the help.

Made this peanut butter pie for the work potluck. Also made a lemon icebox pie, and will make a french silk pie tonight.

I have giant boobs and it is always mind boggling to see other people go out of their way to get abnormally huge ones. I guess the grass is always greener, but I would kill to not have to my boob flop on my face when I try to roll over, or to not have to fish it out of my arm pit, or to not have to reach around them