Mofuqin Stevens


Too bad, so sad, life is filled with pain.


Sigh. It's okay white people. I still love you.

Can't believe I missed this conversation!

Please Gawker, never stop posting things about Frozen.

You da best.

Batman. Should've been Batman. I wouldn't believe him as Superman. Maybe Jor-El. And if they ever decided to cast me as Billy Batson, he'd probably be the perfect Captain Marvel, physically speaking of course. I just like the idea of seeing myself on screen shouting Shazam and then transforming into the physical

I clicked on this article because I hallucinated the headline "The Two Pound Doughnut." This was a good read, and in retrospect, I now see how ridiculous my priorities are. I will probably avoid buying this diamond for my significant other.

The minstrel show continues. Congrats. We've failed this poor boy yet again. I'm so sorry that we can't find it in our hearts to be decent human beings, Trayvon. Here we are still making a show of your murderer.

It's just a joke people...

That's what I'M talking about. Drop that knowledge.

This is one of those internet ironic jokes, right?

Ma'am or Sir, you legit almost made me shit tears out of my face. That's fucking delightful.

I'm obviously late to this conversation. But good points all around, you're all great.

Yeah, it kind of just is a troubling statement. I'm with LaComtesse. A good stereotype is still a stereotype. Das all I'm sayin', J'ah feel?

I agree. This dude is A list. Def not back catalogue. Check your sources. Or wikipedia. ::pushes up glasses::

This was a dope-ass response.

Miss, you should send him a gif.