
I’m not even sure how many Eagles fans were there. One of the reporters covering the event asked six people in attendance who the Eagle’s quarterback was in the Superbowl. None of the six knew the answer. I’m guessing once the Eagles were disinvited, all the Eagles fans peaced out as well so they filled the events

It’s my own fault for doing so, but reading comments on PFT and FoxNews on the articles about this has been just about the most depressing thing I’ve done in weeks.

I’m getting almost as tired of pointing this out as I am of noticing it in the first place but goddamn can you imagine the nationwide conservative meltdown if Obama did this? And by this I mean any of this? Like literally anything Trump has done, ever?

What a spineless, silver spooned, bone spurred messy little bitch.

You too would have trouble reading and remembering the words after looking into a solar eclipse.

Do crimes, create diversion. Repeat.

You know you’ve really fucked up when you feel it prudent to put $75 million aside just to compensate the victims whose abuse you’ve enabled who *haven’t* come forward yet.

Wait... now he’s supporting the Dutch National team? What a disgrace

And this is why entitled suburban kids like myself used to spend a couple hundred dollars of our parents’ money on oversized subwoofers. Simply so we could drive through the lily white suburbs blasting this music into their living rooms.