Moe's Tavern

The word “genius” is thrown around far too casually.

Holy shit. If there’s a whole ass team behind his clothing, that makes it somehow worse. How many people do you need to make a unitard made from beige pantyhose?

Kanye is an artistic genius.

Because when you’re playing Celebrity Fuck Marry Kill, the perpetually correct answer for Kill is Chris Pratt.

Just needed someone killable and he came to mind.

Fuck - Ben

I am sorry, I am really glad you are out. No one should tell you what and how to wear.

I can’t believe he didn’t come to you for permission first.

cool story bro

These hot takes come mostly from guys who have never been shot at as they are generally military service dodgers because you know, Daddy Warbucks didn’t want their scion to get shot.

So, this is basically a conservative’s wet dream? “If only there was a good guy with a gun in that classroom... and now it can be YOU!”

Except it’s fucking true. Look at the states where Hillary barely lost in. Yeahhhh... lots of idiot voters. Next time don’t vote stupid. Thanks

I’m not shouting down his concerns about anti-Blackness. There’s a consistent thread here which is “you’re not engaging with the REAL issue he’s putting forward, and that’s just so telling” and it’s entirely frustrating because yes, absolutely, we need people talking about this. His experience is not a handwave.

But he

I love reading the angry remarks from the greys who are riding your jock so hard waiting with bated breath to hopefully be mentioned in the mailbag. What a set of no life losers!

Not funny

Or, more likely, Chappelle is just an asshole.

“My “favorites” though are the men 45-50 and over who say they want kids.”

As a 42 year-old man who has not yet had children due to various health issues with my partner and instability in my own life, this one hurt. There are people who *still* want to have children later in life, but were unable to do so when they

I agree with your general sentiment, except this isn’t healthcare, they weren’t getting black market root canals, these are purely cosmetic procedures that are always going to be expensive and not covered by insurance. They’re not accessible even to most middle class people either.

Weird attempt to dig at my name, but anyways...

Nah, you’re both wrong - it’s a “moo” point. It’s like a cow’s opinion; it doesn’t matter. It’s moo.