Moe's Tavern

Bud Light’s parent company is a big GOP donor, so thanks to conservatives for driving down their profits.

Prince Andrew, the new king’s son...”

If he keeps this up, it'll soon be illegal to say his name in Florida schools.

This is horrible news for Facebook, as their entire business model depends on people having constant access to it and not knowing they can live without Facebook.

As an elderly Millennial, I remember when YouTube was a fun platform for just weird, off-the-wall humor, but that was before it was acquired by Google and became a genuine threat to public health and democracy...

Racism is a truly powerful thing. Imagine thinking Meghan Markle is your least favorite Royal when Price Andrew is a literal pedophile. 

What is Jezebel these days? In the run up to the recall, what does posting this do to further the cause of feminism? I’m not denying the facts of the article, but why post this NOW?

Thanks, I didn’t need to sleep this month anyway...

Conservatives say people who are convicted of murder should be sentenced to death, yet they aren’t saying that about this guy. Now I wonder why that could be... ?

Oh no... Elon Musk is going to be President, isn’t he?

We liberals should say we love Big Oil so conservatives go green just to “own” and “trigger” us. 

Counterpoint: Editing him out of things that bring us joy will not remove the stain of his horrible actions. We don’t remember Reagan’s disastrous response to the AIDS crisis because he wasn’t edited out of movies. Germany didn’t forget what Hitler did when they took down images of him everywhere. Editing this

I’m hoping Dems can get major traction out of “compromising” with Republicans on this: “Okay, we want college debt relief and allowing any person/business to buy into Medicare. In return, we’ll repeal Section 230.”

Thankfully, no one wants to have sex with me, so I’m immune. (Yay?)

Frankie Fiason is very much alive...

The Reich-wing’s hypocrisy over Whitmer is incredible. Can you imagine how they’d react if BLM had been behind this instead of white nationalists? A group of white men radicalized by right-wing rhetoric and plotting terrorism is somehow less dangerous than Black people politely asking to not be murdered by their own go

If Jezebel brings back the “Hero Teen” tagline, please give it to Claudia Conway. She single-handedly stopped Kellyanne from being on cable news interviews, and I couldn’t be happier about that. 

She would lose? Please cite one credible accusation of sexual assault against Liz Warren. 

This is why Warren should’ve been the nominee. Had Trump challenged her to do this, she could’ve easily countered with a challenge that both candidates take a polygraph as to whether they’ve raped/sexually assaulted anyone. 

Republicans haven’t “played by the rules” for years, and peoples’ lives have been hurt by it. In the last decade, they gerrymandered to no end, reduced the power of incoming Democratic governors and transferred those powers to the still Republican legislature when their gubernatorial candidate didn’t win, closed