
Acknowledging that it’s racist doesn’t make it less racist.

Well yea it kinda is racist. Adding a / to it doesnt make it less ignorant.

Yikes, Ash. This is beneath you.

Then why write this?

Wait a sec. You’re suggesting that Greece leaving the EU will make automakers less likely to produce “ridiculous cars”, even though Greece doesn’t really buy many... because the uncertainty could make them be more conservative.

I didn't know I loved cars until I owned my first e30 and started auto crossing and going to track days. I'm old, pictures required film back then. I still own both E30's in the photo and am pissed I loss the chance at owning the 2002. That summer with my friends Leo jr. and Matt was one of the best of my

Some snow and the Fiesta had a disagreement.

Nobody has more fun with his car than Raph.

I have had a number of 'offs' ranging from minor cosmetic crunches to vehicle-totaling kapows. I have hit fence posts, bushes, trees, hillsides, and other (parked) cars. I have managed to never injure anyone with a car, myself included. I would not not consider myself an expert in crashing cars, but I certainly have a

I have had a number of 'offs' ranging from minor cosmetic crunches to vehicle-totaling kapows. I have hit fence posts, bushes, trees, hillsides, and other (parked) cars. I have managed to never injure anyone with a car, myself included. I would not not consider myself an expert in crashing cars, but I certainly have a

I can't wait to read Part 2 of this article!

"I crash a lot. There's nothing wrong with me."

And then I crashed again. But it was fine. The car was fine. I was fine. We were fine. The day was fine.

I can relate to what you're saying Raph. I sometimes try to push my car but drive within my limits and legal limits on the streets, and I know as a young and less experienced driver that's not always the smartest thing to do. Thankfully I've had the opportunity to partake in some DE and practice car control in other

I'm an associate manager at a popular Canadian clothing store, although I previously quit a better paying (but far more boring) telecommunications job to take it.

Good, I thought this was gonna be about this guy

I want to go back to school for my natural talent, which is art. I don't want to go to school to fit a social construct.