
Motorex has nothing to do with you suggesting people buy a car that will fail inspection in states which have emissions testing for nitrous oxide once the cheat is disabled — and everyone is going to know the cars are cheating.

What color is the boathouse at Hereford? WHAT COLOR IS THE BOATHOUSE AT HEREFORD!

It means he’s been watching too many top gear reruns...and all that other stuff those other guys who replied before I did said.

Perhaps we might adopt English as the language around here?

Quit trying to make “guit” happen.

It means they totally “dragoned” it “LochNess” style #duh

- guit trying to make “monstered” happen


September 26th.

When is this? I dont wanna click a link to find out

Dude you have no idea what you are talking about. I managed a fleet for a PD for 5 of my 10 years as command staff. Only MAJOR agencies with big time budgets turn the cars loose at the 100,000 mile mark, and trust me when I tell you - the maintenance nightmare they represent post 100k is worth the swap. And yes - most

How many more years of 24/7 operation do you think they should last?

Changing the cam seals on my Miata. On it’s own, not the toughest job in the world, but getting to them involved removing the timing belt, which meant dealing with that pain in the neck timing cover and changing all of the rubber seals on it, since they were swollen up with oil. Add to that, none of the new rubber


Dude, stop embarassing yourself.
If you truly had a business degree like you claimed, you would have backed up your claim with figures.
The STI is far from dead, on the contrary: according to GCBC, sales for the vehicle are rising:

Mazda has been perfecting the add lightness for years

Let me give you a small sample of some Jalopnik questions:

Hey Dave, thanks for joining us. What was your favorite SCC story back in the day, and what was it about that magazine that makes everyone miss it so much now?

Hey Dave, are you single?