I’m pretty sure that the last year and a half has damaged Carlson’s brain to the point that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about anymore, let alone whether it squares with positions he took last year, last month, or last night.
I’m pretty sure that the last year and a half has damaged Carlson’s brain to the point that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about anymore, let alone whether it squares with positions he took last year, last month, or last night.
Interesting. In my circles it is a military term.. after a jfire 9-line is transmitted (for an airstrike), or a spotter has called a long rifle shot, or coords for an arty round have been given, there is sometimes an enthusiastic (an attempt at badassery) “send it” as ordnance is released/fired. Can be applied just…
Also East TN, and I hear loud pedal more often. Might just be me and my idiot friends, though.
We call it the loud pedal.
I’m sure that threw a spanner in the works.
Maybe I’m just not hanging out with the right crowds, but come to think of it, I don’t recall ever hearing someone use the term WOT spoken out loud. It works great as a written acronym, but verbally it just doesn’t seem very intuitive. Sounds like it would be too easily confused with “what” a la “u wot m8”.
Orlove’d: When you flip your dream car on it’s roof
5 years ago, I was interviewing an attorney for a position in my professional organization (over lunch.) At some point, he took it upon himself to offer this opinion: “The only people I can’t stand are teachers and nurses... have you ever met a nurse or a teacher who didn’t act as if they knew everything?”
BTW she beat the party backed Democrat, a millionaire, by a landslide in the primaries.
Of all the tricks the GOP has pulled over the last 30 years, them getting their supporters to believe teachers......TEACHERS FOR FUCK SAKES!!!! are a bunch of lazy, greedy, union thugs with their “gold plated pensions” and “Cadillac health care benefits” who do nothing but sit back and cash in their fat paycheck, is…
Whatever you just described sounds disgusting.
This just looks like queso cooked too hot.
I am sending AOC money in the hope that she will make sure that politicians will never be able to take money.
That’s not how a modern turbo engine works. They’re nearly always producing positive pressure - the efficiency gains come from using the otherwise wasted exhaust energy. There’s a really good document from Ford floating around that goes into the details of Direct Injection, turbos, and low-rpm operation that I can’t…
Maybe we should orient them so that the cylinder banks are on a different planes, maybe in some sort of V type shape.
How is she the idiot when you can’t even figure out what website you’re on?
It appears you have been triggered. Would you like a blanket and some warm milk? Or perhaps you should turn off your computer for the rest of the evening? I’m sure everyone else would prefer that option.