
Regardless of whatever his actual faith may be, Mattress Mack is ten times the “Christian” that Osteen is. Don’t wait for a goddam invitation before helping others, I mean, sheesh! You don’t even have to go to Sunday school ONCE to know that’s the right thing to do.

Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, a true gentleman and furniture store owner in Houston (who has a history of community outreach and community service) didn’t require the city of Houston to ask that his humongous store be used as a shelter. He opened his doors swiftly and without conditions. Literally allowing people who

Or you know what you do in that situation, you call the fucking police/coast guard for help. You don’t steal from others.

Hey genius

hmmmm... After a savage hurricane, are there dead people because the area was hit hard or because “looters” are killing people... now am I cynical piece of shit, or a normal human being....hmmmm. I’m a normal human so I think if there’s a lot of dead people that’s a sign this area was hit hard and the survivors are in

Hello from Houston. Kiss my wet ass.

Let’s see, should the police and coast guard keep trying to save people from drowning or worry about people trying to eat.... hmmmmm... now.. am I a piece of shit.. or am I an actual human... I’m human.. so I say let the coast guard keep saving people and let the survivors eat.

That’s where you’re wrong. Black market shampoo is one of the most lucrative operations going.

Thanks for the out of town, privileged whitesplanation.

Nice that he puts out his digits. If he really wanted to get a hold of Law Enforcement with some sort of certainty that they really are Cops, he could just call his local precinct or 0118-999-881-999-119-725....3.

So Kaepernick can’t kneel during the anthem because that’s disrespecting the troops but it’s totally ok to fly a Nazi flag. Totally not disrespectful to the troops that were shipped off to Europe to stop said Nazis.

My grandmother confronted a Skin head in the 90s. I was a kid and (then) mortified that my 5 foot nothing, red headed gram (Irish Catholic) told off a stranger minding his own business. (we’re Canadian). He got in her face and swore at her but she didn’t back down. He threatened to cut her. She laughed at him. I

That was brave, oh so brave. It could have gone very badly for her.

Even better. An Egyptian woman who immigrated to France before finally ending up in America.

“When you put the Muslim–you know, hijab–on the Statue of Liberty, that implies that we welcome Syrian refugees and all that,” another man bigot explained to the staffer.

Right, but she’s a French citizen.

Someone should tell them Lady Liberty is French.

Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

Agreed. My assumption is that Trump’s view of the military is that they are all now his employees/vassals. He can’t understand the concept of duty, in the same way that fish can’t understand the concept of internal combustion engines.