
Nooo! Not Jane!

He says that, but I can’t count how many times I’ve been getting lunch with him, his phone rings and he tells me, “Sorry, it’s God. I have to take this.” Then I’m left there looking like a stooge to all the other customers like, “Oh... he just got ditched by the Pope!” So I bitterly end up stealing a bite of his

Pope, I will make you a deal. I will stop using my phone at the dinner table when you stop wearing the tablecloth.

LOL. “Welcome to Costco, I love you.”

Both are equally plausible. Accountant and Engineer are also up there.

To take a note from George Orwell, some religions are more fucked up than others and do more fucked up things.

‘A step too far?’ Like canonizing a pedophile con man isn’t too far? Like saying Black people are cursed wasn’t too far? Like being instrumental in the repeal of marriage equality in California wasn’t too far? Like saying women are less than men isn’t too far?

Wow. You know what this means...?

Yup. From the WaPo story:

On the background noise providing television behind me I thought I heard that he offered to get stabbed in the stomach in the way Ben Carson described (or not get stabbed, which was more to his point). Did I hear that right?