
Personally, I really like E3. Sure, companies could just announce stuff whenever they felt like it, but I find the anticipation of knowing that things will be announced but not knowing what they are (or seeing more info on games I’m already excited for) can be a lot of fun, provided the conferences aren’t a wet fart

Oh, no. He lost his job on a $200+ million blockbuster. Now he has to settle for another $200+ million blockbuster. What a travesty.

No he’s not. He’s got a guaranteed gig coming up with JW3, one that will almost certainly get him out of director jail. He’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t fuck up again.

Yes. It’s about a young woman who’s locked in an insane asylum and about to be lobotomized retreating into a fantasy that’s also so terrible that she retreats into another fantasy within her other fantasy.

They’re completely separate games. Killer is Dead is a spiritual sequel to Killer7, but outside of the art style and developer, they have no relation.

I’m more bothered by the lack of a tail on the second speech bubble in the first panel.

Plus, you can tweet literally anything and Suda will retweet it as long as you say Killer 7 somewhere in the tweet.

She thought she ate a regular cop, but she accidentally ate a stripper cop.

Now playing

They previously tested a bit of Lordran on PS4 and Xbox One (plus the Pro and X), and also tested up to the Taurus Demon on PS4 Pro. None of them had any major issues (base Xbox One had some minor drops). Considering Blighttown is by far the lowest-performing area of the game, it’s unlikely that the rest of the game

I’m judging based on the information provided by the DF video, which demonstrates that one core is being utilized at nearly 100% and the other cores barely go above 10%. 7:35-ish.

And even then it still has trouble hitting 60fps. DF tested it with a really high-end rig and they were still getting drops to the low 40s. The engine just isn’t optimized for multi-thread performance, which is why it’s so impressive that they managed to get it running so well here. The PS4 and Xbox One have a lot of

Do you remember how toxic the NMS fanbase got before release? I’m not even talking about the people who got pissed after it came out, I’m talking about the psychotic attachment that so many people had towards the game. To the point where they were sending death threats to people who said it was getting delayed.

I tried to link to the Vimeo page, but it just auto-embeds the same as it does in the article.

It’s just about the only reason I’d ever consider a live-action version. In theory, a trilogy of films would be able to cover the story pretty well, and you probably wouldn’t even have to make them particularly long films.

Real talk, I’d buy an entire album of Akira score remixes/covers if it’s anywhere near as good as what they put in that video.

That’s not how that works. All of Microsoft’s first-party games are on X1 and Windows 10, but Windows 10 isn’t natively compatible with X1 games. They’re just making PC versions to go alongside the console release. It’s still up to Rockstar to produce a PC version of RDR2.

If I steal something, does that mean “free” is a normal price for that thing?

Perhaps the certification process is fast-tracked because SSM is a first-party developer. Or these patches were all planned out weeks or even months in advance and are designed to circumvent complaints of massive multi-GB patches taking too long to download. Maybe SSM thought it was better to have a new 40-ish MB


Yeah, it’s kinda overdone now. It would be like if Skyrim 2 made “Arrow to the Knee” jokes.