
Considering it’s the de facto “house style” of basically every mobile RPG ever, I guess it doesn’t.

Like that’s ever stopped anyone before.

Rabbit’s talking about the potential profit that a product like ElDewrito would have brought to Microsoft had they officially sold it. The project’s popularity indicates a demand for more Halo on PC, but Microsoft and 343 were either too busy to work on it or didn’t know that the demand existed. Modders, on the other

Heavy Rain is a murder mystery with a bad twist that relies on outright lying to the audience rather than any clever foreshadowing or merely withholding information.

Ah sell Leviathan Axes and Leviathan Axessories.

The PS3 could run all versions of Xrd (albeit with some framerate issues), so I think the Switch could probably run it as well if they made the visuals similar to the PS3 version. The only issue is that it’s running on Unreal Engine 3, which doesn’t natively support the Switch. So far the only developers who have

It still exists. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

They did revive it. There was an NBA Jam reboot released on the Wii that got ported (twice!) for PS3 and 360. It’s also on iOS, Android, and Mac (but not Windows for some reason).

My tastes feel worse than everyone else’s because everyone’s all hyped about Far Cry 5 or God Of War and I have zero interest in those, and that makes me feel left out.

There is no “next.” Not if you’re gonna be an unappeasable asshole because it makes you feel like you’re better than everyone else.

God of War, Yakuza 6, Ni No Kuni 2, A Way Out, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, the SOTC remake. And that’s just recent-ish PS4 releases. Plenty of other options on other platforms and there are a lot of older games you might have missed.

For posterity.

Fuck off, Harrison.

Don’t you have a plane to crash, Harrison?

And he spent an entire year collecting photos of Ellen Page as a child for “research” before he even met with her to ask her to be in the game.

“Judge my work” he says, while promoting other people’s work as the reason he’s not racist or homophobic.

Worth noting that Flynn was also attached to do the remake back when HBO was doing it, alongside David Fincher, the director of the Gone Girl movie.

Correct me if I’m wrong (I’m only familiar with the mobile version), but red zones only affect open areas, right? You can just hide in a building and be fine. So I don’t really see an issue with them unless you’re in an area where you can’t get to a building (though I’ve heard this is more common in the desert map).

Solid art direction goes a long way towards helping a game hold up visually.