
To be entirely fair, the iPhone 5 came out almost 6 years ago. Processor speed and architecture has advanced significantly since then. Continuing to support that hardware would hold the game back. Eventually, all software will end up leaving the old 32-bit architecture behind, and hopefully by making better use of the

Still slow, but every video gets subs eventually. Some of the video titles get translated as well.

Nah, O’Reilly wouldn’t say that.

Eh, that’s still a step up from conservative white guy.

Since his first film. It’s taken 25 years since his first film to be recognized with an award like this.

Well, by this point, my post is gonna get buried under everyone else’s, but I’m legitimately surprised no one’s mentioned Deadly Premonition yet. Clunky controls, bad graphics, awful driving mechanics and map system, ridiculously broken side-missions, and a story that rips off Twin Peaks so blatantly it’s a miracle no

I admit that the mechanics of the games are excellent.

Fun fact: the writer of Bright is also an abusive piece of shit who’s so vindictive that he once wrote and released self-insert fanfiction mocking a YouTuber he felt wasn’t grateful enough when he did a shout-out on Twitter.

Which makes me think this was some sort of attempt to get MDHR’s attention. Something along the lines of that guy who leaked the alpha build of Half-Life 2, or those people who hack into companies to show them that their security is bad.

I’ve gotten it to work. It just takes a while for it to add to your library. Maybe try clicking the link from the homepage, I think that might make a difference.

The least you could do is provide a link.

Now playing

There was a gameplay demo of it during the conference.

I haven’t really heard anything good or bad about the DMC HD Collection. Why is it shitty?

Well, we haven’t seen any Wii games running on the console yet, and DigitalFoundry’s tests running Dolphin on the Shield showed inconsistent results that wouldn’t hit Nintendo’s usual standards. It’s nice to have confirmation that it’s possible.

So I guess that means the Switch is capable of Wii emulation, since the Nvidia Shield is literally the same hardware as the Switch.

Konami’s already ported it to the Nvidia Shield TV (which is literally the same hardware as the Switch) and it’s running at 60fps on that. So there’s no reason it couldn’t also run at 60fps on the Switch.

It runs at 20fps max during gameplay (most bosses run a lot slower), and the cutscenes frequently run at single digits. Texture filtering makes everything look like a blurry mess at a distance, and the low resolution makes it difficult to see enemies at a distance. That, and the grass draw distance is really short and

It’s a bad port, Heathcliff.

Because Snake Eater on the 3DS runs like shit, looks like shit, and lacks every bonus feature that every other game had. Porting the HD Edition, which would almost certainly run at 60fps like the PS3/360 version, would be a massive improvement.