The guy who came up with that demo actually went to Microsoft to work on Kinect, but nothing ever came of it. I assume the Kinect’s tracking wasn’t precise enough for the head-tracking to work consistently, and the idea was scrapped.
The guy who came up with that demo actually went to Microsoft to work on Kinect, but nothing ever came of it. I assume the Kinect’s tracking wasn’t precise enough for the head-tracking to work consistently, and the idea was scrapped.
Deep Down, and we haven’t heard anything about it since 2015. Capcom did file another trademark for the name earlier this year, though.
It’s a movie featuring a plane crash as part of the plot. Being an expensive setpiece that likely took up a significant chunk of the film’s budget and filming schedule, there’s no way they were gonna cut it out. When they sent all the footage to the trailer company (one that was likely unaware of the legal situation),…
Good to hear that the original control style is still available for those who want it. Looks like this might just be able to both gain the interest of newcomers turned off by the stiffness and difficulty of the old games and please old fans who just want to play a Monster Hunter with modern graphics.
Konami says it’s based on the HD version, but it’s still unclear whether it’s the original broken version made by High Voltage or the good version made by Hexa Drive.
Yeah, seems like it. Konami says it’s based on the PS3 remaster, and I noticed a few new effects in the trailer. Plus, I imagine it’ll run at native 4K, being a 14 year old PS2 game. Wish they’d go further with the remastering effort, but hey, it’s ZOE2, I’ll take it.
Yeah, he does. ZOE2 is called Anubis: Zone of the Enders in Japan, and Bakamoichigei is using that title (and getting it wrong) because he’s a huge weeb.
It’s not even a new ZOE, it’s just 2nd Runner with VR.
Same artist. Shinkawa used to do the concept art for MGS before he left with Kojima. Now he’s doing Death Stranding and, apparently, Left Alive and Call of Duty PS4 skins.
MK vs DC did it right. They knew the whole idea was ridiculous, and they played into that to make it enjoyably campy. I have absolutely no idea what they’re going for with MvCI, and frankly, I don’t think Marvel or Capcom know what they’re going for either.
Some recent story modes have been pretty good. MKX and Injustice 2 have had some really high-quality cutscenes and decent stories, and the Arc System Works games have had really long, in-depth story modes for a while now.
Wasn’t the multiplayer the one part of Doom 2016 that people didn’t like anyway?
Good to hear. I’m not subbed to GameXplain, so I didn’t see that video.
Apparently, the PS3 version also ran at 4K internally before being downsampled to 1080p. I think? Google Translate didn’t do a great job with this, and it’s kinda unclear.
I’m assuming you played this on a New 3DS; any idea how performance holds up on the original 3DS? Because that Castlevania game that MercurySteam made on 3DS ran like shit.
C’mon, Virtual Console.
The ultimate problem really was the cost of the thing. At launch, it was quite a bit more expensive than the 3DS, which already had a good lineup by the time the Vita came out. Even now, it’s still more expensive than almost every 3DS version out there, and that’s not even factoring in the absurd cost of the memory…
I mean, if we’re gonna get angry at NerfNow, does that mean we need to get angry at Awkward Zombie for milking MGSV/PW/1 jokes for years after those games came out? And doing the single most overused FFXV joke 10 months after that game came out?