I never said they did. What Riceman’s asking for is, essentially, removing any gay options from the series and creating an entirely new series focused exclusively on LGBTQ romances.
I never said they did. What Riceman’s asking for is, essentially, removing any gay options from the series and creating an entirely new series focused exclusively on LGBTQ romances.
What are you even getting at here? “Keep the gays outta my games”? “Don’t force LGBTQ representation into a series that has had LGBTQ representation in the past, and which the developers promised to include”?
“Except I’m not saying that anything is correct necessarily because a bunch of people agree with me, I’m saying that your words were easily ‘misunderstood’ based on the evidence that /a bunch of people misunderstood it/.”
“I admit when I’m wrong all the time”
“Okay, you said this guy was alt-right and you gave two examples of him being anti-SJ, and now you’re saying it’s totally unreasonable to then take that as equating the two.”
“your argument happened to entirely consist of you equating the alt-right with anti-SJ”
“You made a post that said that because someone is anti-SJ, it makes them alt-right.”
I don’t think you’re defending him, only that you object to me describing him as a member of the alt-right. He claims he doesn’t identify with them, but his words and actions don’t support that. Even if he doesn’t consciously align himself with them, it’s pretty clear to me that he supports many of the same views.
“Tolerate his intolerance” isn’t a strong argument. You’ve chosen a fucking weird hill to die on, dude.
He also believes black people are genetically less intelligent than white people.
> Carl says “black people are biologically less-intelligent than white people”
You’re not listening. You said you didn’t agree with my assertion that Carl is a member of the alt-right because I didn’t initially hit every one of your checkmarks. You actually got the order of events wrong when you said “Instead of ‘This guy is alt-right because the alt-right loves him’, if you started with stuff…
You literally just agreed with me. I stated several things he had done that I believed showed his support for the alt-right, and then you decided that wasn’t good enough based on your arbitrary criteria.
Except I did do that, but you decided it wasn’t good enough because it didn’t hit all the points on your alt-right bingo card.
He also said this:
You’re basically saying “Everyone who is alt-right believes this one thing, but not necessarily this other thing.” What’s the difference? Why is the belief in Donald Trump an absolute necessity, but the hatred of SJWs not?