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Wii U’s loading times are generally faster, outside of loading from the main menu. It’s only a few seconds, but that can be crucial for a speedrunner.

So, let me get this straight: Not everyone who’s against “SJWs” and feminism is alt-right, but everyone who is alt-right supports Donald Trump?

Yeah, I’m sure the EDL wants to appear legitimate by supporting some guy on YouTube.

He continually rehashes alt-right talking points, and many alt-right groups like the EDL have voiced support for him.

He says he hates the alt-right, yet he keeps doing shit like starting Internet petitions to suspend “social justice” courses and saying stupid shit like “Feminists are ruining Magic: The Gathering”.

It is now that Jason said it. That’s his Stand power.

Internationally, that film was released as Godzilla Resurgence.

What if I already got the game back in the day? Do I get a discount?

An even better example would be the FFIII and IV remakes on DS. Those were redone in full 3D, new translations, and new features. They were actually remakes. This is just some emulated ROMs.

Look, I get it. You think the price is fine. I don’t.

But Kohler is going on about what a game is “worth,” and part of that is the cost of development. These games came out so long ago that all the money sunk into it by Squaresoft has long since been made back. And since the games themselves are really basic emulations, the production costs of the compilation itself are

So I looked up the conversion rates myself, and 4800 yen comes out to $43.04. Which isn’t close enough for me to comfortably round to $50, but evidently it was for Kohler. But in any event, $40-45 is still a lot of money for games this old, especially when they didn’t receive even the small amount of effort that SE

But they’re not selling it here. It’s around $50 in Japan, where the games are 20-ish old and appear to be basic emulations of the original versions. And even if it would technically be considered a new game in the US, so what? Even the costs of a translation certainly wouldn’t be enough to justify that price point

Square Enix has a serious problem with overpricing their classic games. The 7-year old iOS versions of FFI and II are $8, and that’s the lowest any of those ports go for. Even FFIII is $15, and that version came out 6 years ago. And it’s certainly not due to the extra effort put into that version, as the infamously

Remember, this is Square Enix we’re talking about. They’re currently charging $21 for FFIX, $16 for FFVII, and $18 for TWEWY on iOS.

Did you even read your list, dude?

I hope it’s an ironic punishment. As in, I want these guys to have to sit under that fucking shower for all eternity.