
A slave who smiles at his child or looks happily at a blue sky is a different thing from “the only thing that put a smile on Hercules’ face was when Lady Washington walked into the kitchen” (approximate quote). The book shows slaves taking pleasure in their masters’ happiness as if that was their purpose in life. It’s

Comments like these blithely assume that all people consider slavery inuversally terrible, and a deeply shameful part of American history, but this isn’t the reality at all. There are politicians who talk about the good that slavery did for black people and black families (!!!), and George Washington in particular is

It’s a shame, I guess “The Little Injun That Could” set during the Trail of Tears just won’t work in this pc climate.

Stockholm syndrome?

Can’t wait for Ganeshram’s next story about those great blankets the white man gave the Native Americans.

I KNOW! I want to be in her squad. I’ll even be Posh or Scary Spice for her.

Good god, she is charming.

Does anyone else think that the world is divided into

This American Life did a story about a guy who cloned his pet bull. While the bull had the same DNA and looked just like the original, the cloned bull ended up with a different personality completely. I’m not really in favor of cloning pets, particularly when there are plenty of homeless animals out there, but

I'd much rather adopt a new dog and give it a home than to spend a shit ton of money to clone my previous dog. We already have too many unwanted animals, so I'm not a fan of this. I also feel the same way about orphaned children.

You kind of said everything that needs to be said on this subject.

right now the thing to do is to think about the excellent employees of Fitzgibbon. if they are your friends, reach out to them. if they are someone you can hire, do so. they rock, and this shit sandwich right before the holidays is the worst.

I am encouraged that the firm disbanded-it does send a very strong signal that this guy is out of community. My assumption is some portion of the staff will regroup in a new firm. This public renunciation will be great pr for them (this last sentence is probably too cynical, but I can't help it).

The staff, I think, has shown exactly the opposite. They became aware of behavior that was inapposite to the ideals and goals of the firm and killed it. The conservative response would have been to have him resign to “spend more time with his family” and bury the allegations as deeply as possible.

Unfortunately, sexism and bro-ism is everywhere. We had it at Occupy too.

Yes. How comforting.

It’s nice to know this kind of hypocrisy isn’t limited to Republican politicians and pastors.

Shouldn’t the headline read ‘Sexual Assault by Founder’? When I first read it, I thought it meant they’d somehow closed down because the founder had been sexually assaulted by someone.

You base this on what exactly?

Fuck that, he was a child predator who used the police resources and pretexts to prey on children.