
I have to admit I’m midly impressed with the skill the driver was able to maneuver the dangling ATM between the barrier poles.

...he says to the user that is currently in the process of rebuilding four carbs for a 82 Goldwing...

... and then a view from where the oil pan normally resides, which resembled a mass of guacamole stalagmites

Yeah, we’re tired of hearing about Russia too, just for different reasons.

I went outside to grab the paper this morning and rant into a Trump voting neighbor. I smiled as I picked up the paper and said “It’s tough to keep up with everything these days”, and he replied “I don’t even want to know”.

I freeze stock in icecube trays for future use, it might be fun to put one of them in the middle.

I’m not arguing that it isn’t possible. But it is also possible that he can’t.


To be clear, if the EPA/WH believe Pruitt needs additional security, then he should have it. But it’s not “hate” to point out that his push for radical deregulation is dangerous and counterproductive to both protecting the environment and restoring the economy.

Eh, I’d rather not invite a cross-section of that fucking insanity to this thread.

No I spent all my money on forza DLC

Spiked hair and throwback raybans plus a fucking ridiculous duckface. This, America, is our future.

All trains don’t stop at all stations. And its not a good idea to stand on a platform even in good weather if your train isn’t there, lots of debris can appear out of nowhere. Saw a fellow commuter take a folding lawn chair to the body once, and we had no idea where it came from.

i made an account to star your comment.

Get the fuck out, then.

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

the first racing game i got was nfs u2, i still play it and i have beat the entire game. most wanted 2005 i got for a friend and i started to play it. so much fun.