
Well, sometimes they also dislike it when a study paints women in a light that many might see as positive - such as, women are more nurturing or something - but that doesn't fit the narrative Jezebel wants to push. This particular one really could have gone either way, I think, depending on which author had

No need to beat around the bush. The former happens when the study paints women in a negative light and it's the latter when women are shown to be superior. It's so predictable at this point.

I find it so weird how Jezebel reports on these sorts of studies. If a study points to there being some kind of difference between men and women, half the time Jezebel will be all skeptical and suggest the study must be using sexist methodology or working from sexist assumptions. But then sometimes, they will

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

So on the first point, I 100% agree with you. The antebellum south absolutely should not be romanticized. But I guess I have questions about the blanket objection to ever holding a wedding/event at a plantation. Because there are certain areas of the south where every large outdoor venue was once a plantation. Some of

No, it's not cheating. But it doesn't have to be cheating to not be acceptable.

Nah. If my man had a Tinder account, I'd curb his ass. Sure, it could be that he's not planning on cheating, but most people don't wake up one day and say, "I'm going out to make it happen tonight" or whatever. It's a slow burn, most of the time. And while there are a lot of people who are okay with ONS, many aren't.

I feel like 95% of Tracy Moore's posts are jokes that are just above my head. Logging in to a hook-up app with the intent to evaluate the fuckability of other potential partners is not the same thing as noticing a good-looking person on the street.

I'm 5 months pregnant with number two. I work full-time and my nerves are shot to hell most of the time and I have no energy. I also have no sex drive whatsoever (many pregnant women get more horny, so ymmv).

Women joined the USS Wyoming in 2011, no one was filmed until 2013 and it was 1 pervy guy out of 150 with 11 more who might have seen the videos, plus the one man reported it. It immediately became a big fucking deal and was condemned by the vast majority of military personnel who were equally shocked by the whole

Yeah, that was a bad choice for the picture, there are so many better ones. Like this:

In that exchange, I almost feel like those two people deserve each other.

They were probably taking time to carefully vet the interviews and make sure whatever they published was accurate. You know - what journalistic publications are SUPPOSED to do.

But ultimately to use a specific story as the centerpiece for a broader discussion about rape on campus, the facts as you report them need to be accurate. Not because we should need stories to acknowledge the macro statistics that indicate there is clearly a huge problem, but because for most of the broader public to

Something to keep in mind. Approximately two percent of rape allegations made to police are false, according to various studies, including those cited by the U.S. Department of Justice. It's unknown what percent of rape allegations never reported to police, such as Jackie's, are false. That figure is not the

This article is confusing. It is not "Barry" the alleged rapist that is threatening to sue her, it is an actual Barry whose personal details are so similar to "Barry" that people think he is the rapist.

The problem is that there was a very prominent Conservative on campus named Barry. And by using that Pseudonym, all blame was leveled at that person. Rape Survivors shouldn't be shamed, but no one should be falsely accused of rape either, being that it is such a horrible crime, and that is what she did to this Barry

For all the pedants complaining about the spelling of everyone's favorite cold weather beverage, has it ever occurred to you that maybe "hot coco" is a reference to Ice-T's wife? She's a whole lotta woman and four mugs isn't nearly enough to contain her.