
Hi. German here. Here is a link from the Frankfurter Allgemeine about this case. This story certainly does not say that the accused murderer and his friends are being coddled. I assure this is an extremely unlikely scenario, that a foreign national would be "coddled" by the Polizei here. Germany has a different legal

then they should have reported it then — not a generation later

You know, I know very well that there are loads of idiots that use evo psych to justify misogynist ends. But data is just data. When I was studying it, at a small liberal arts college where we only read primary sources, my conference and the male professor were just as likely to come up with feminist interpretations

Someone please get a science writer up in here. This was definitely not the best science reporting I've seen on Jezebel.

Tom Hiddleston looks like and probably is an opossum, and Benedict Cumberbatch's face looks like a plastic bag full of oatmeal. Meanwhile this dude, whoever he is, is nowhere near on par with Chris Pratt.

Maybe because as a Who from Whoville she doesn't qualify.

Hands up: who skipped the video and went right to the comments?

Yes, guys are growing fuller beards and wearing plaid and sweaters as a nod to timely fashion icon, Paul Bunyon. Or maybe, you know, because winter is coming...

My best friend has looked like this my entire ever knowing him and he kind of prides himself on not being fashionable. He texted me after this went viral confused as fuck and all I could do was laugh.

Wow. What a one-sided article. The vote spam is actually about ethics in games journalism.

Because I'd rather cause someone a few day's misery than end their life? AND if I miss with a kick, oh well, but if I miss with a bullet, someone else could be harmed severely/killed?

You didn't read the full article did you?

I am a man, and I approve of this post. Anyone who has a problem with it or calls misandry or whatever clearly didn't read step 1. Seriously, if you're being assaulted, if you're being threatened or mugged or whatever, self-defense is totally reasonable.


Should of sprayed water at them, works on cats.

The worst one I've seen was a military contractor - former Navy sailor - who slept with a married junior enlisted soldier ten years younger than him in Afghanistan, got her pregnant, got her kicked out of country for the pregnancy and prosecuted for committing adultery (an offense under military law), which ended her

Not so much "awful" as "bafflingly stupid", but while I was in the process of divorcing my first husband, his attorney called me up and left a long-winded threatening message on my answering machine. Yeah, the kind with a tape.

I once saw a very drunk, very confused young man trying to stick a beer bottle up his ass whilst crying. I was at a party and went to an upstairs restroom, only to see that monstrosity. When he saw me, he didn't stop, but just stared deeply and sadly into my eyes. I then gently closed the door and left that house

stop trying to make FACE happen

Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.