
The thing I don't get is the gamers who get mad when they other people are doing their own thing. I'm personally fine with games that have a lot of T&A as long as they are marketed to mature audiences and are not the only thing available. I really don't want to hear about how my game with an awesome female archer who

I really love and agree with what you have to say but it's important to acknowledge: Trauma can absolutely cause mental illness. Is it going to suddenly cause someone to have Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia? No. Can it exacerbate those things? Absolutely. Can trauma cause depression, anxiety, PTSD, and even eating

I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've read that c-sections strongly increase the risk of autism.

Good, they still don't suspect a thing...

YAY!!! A real, honest-to-God Science writer! Jezebel, you have answered our collective prayers!!!

Say mean things on Jezebel

Ah the ol' "sperm bank gave me and my lesbian partner the wrong colour baby" grift. The oldest trick in the book.

Lets keep this civil and not mock this man for his physical disability, mkay?

Between the 20-something women study and 'visual creatures' thing, it seems like we're supposed to infer men are incapable of being intellectual stimulated by a woman or being turned on by emotional connections. I think if women were to be honest with themselves then yes, 20-something year old men in their physical

Or maybe men don't date women of the age they're most 'sexually interested in' because they have standards and priorities to pursue in a partner other than what their dick wants. There seems to be an assumption here that men would all only go after women in their twenties if they would only reciprocate their interest,

Hat-Themed wedding.

All of them, because you're upholding the patriarchy. You conformists.

You might want to look into precisely what Cleopatra's political situation was...

Nobody would care if sea horses got aborted BECAUSE THE DAD WOULD BE DOING IT.

Of course the important question here is which drunk female threw him off that bridge.

It's pretty gross, actually, in the same way that the Jeremy Meeks fiasco was pretty gross,

Because anyone who's ever been to college knows that there's a 99.9% likelihood those events never happened. Those 2 particular urban legends are told on every college campus, just like the one about how fraternity members have to have sex with a goat or kill a puppy. While I'm sure hazing to some degree happened, to

A recent graduate who attended Hofstra at the same time as Kazantsev told Jezebel that the final two steps of pledging in one (unnamed) sorority involved making all of the pledges remove their underwear and sit on newspapers while the older members forced them to watch lesbian porn. Anyone whose newspaper stuck to

Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.