
Don't generalize, Jack. There are plenty of Israelis who don't want to kill everybody.

"Horribly racist Pro-Israel Art Casts Princess Jasmine as a Terrorist."

Fixed that for you.

The funny thing is that half the Jews in Israel look like Jasmine and Aladin. You honestly can't tell the difference between a mizrahi Jew and a Palestinian.

I mean, if you're going to make a pro-Israel political statement with princesses, you could at least bother to make them a bit more jappy...

Can i just send you weird things that I say to girls on tinder?

The author of that article also didn't go out with the guy again, so just because she wasn't openly rude in a public place doesn't mean it worked.

"regrettably public." Yes, if only he had the presence of mind to rape her in private, then he could have finished, and nobody would have believed her, just like all the rest of us who have been raped, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Fuck this fucking guy and his fucking lawyer.

I remember seeing my cat's penis for the first time and thinking he had a worm crawling out of his ass. As I got closer to pull it out my wife warned me that was in fact his dick and she basically saved my life. Eternally grateful.

You'll have to be willing to accept that one of the Jezebel writers thinks you're a disgusting pathetic loser, though.

I wonder what your targeted age range is on the site. I've said in the past that I thought that Dodai's piece about When Motherhood Doesn't Happen (?) was one of my favorite pieces because I think that as a Gen Xer, facing older adulthood when you aren't in a lifecourse of marriage + kids, would be helpful to read. I

Yes, please science writers. Even if you just run the science pieces past someone with the right background to point out any dangerous misconceptions or glaring factual errors it would be a huge improvement. Writers could also incorporate corrections pointed out by people in the comment section.

A science writer, please. A women's site that bemoans the lack of encouragement and support and opportunity for women in STEM fields is great - one that actually shares and does thoughtful analysis of scientific studies and new advances with a slant towards those that might be pertinent to women would be amazing.

Bring back the fucking grays. Or, like Max said yesterday, administer some sort of "flag" or "call moderator" button for spam, trolls and porn gifs.

I'd love to see at least 1 Ask an Expert every month. And not a sex expert or a sex worker or a sex anything, but science, medicine, the arts, engineering, space, all of that stuff. There's so little of that on Jezebel and I think it could be very helpful.

It's really hard to judge whether someone is acting against medical advice with good reason without having access to their personal medical records, which obviously we're not entitled to here. But after having a shocking number of friends post on Facebook that they're not vaccinating their children because they've

Statement from Jennifer Goodall below (dated 07/26/2014, via Facebook):

I'd adore seeing the CPS rationale, but VBAC can be substantially more dangerous than you're giving it credit for, and fucking with safety during childbirth is something I'd leave to devoted homebirthers who're too often surprised to find that good vibes can actually end in maternal and child disability and death. If

How could this happen? Did they NOT see the hashtag???