Modest Mauser

"RS: For example, Garnet never asks questions. Ever. She’s sure of everything she says, so if you’re putting this in, she’ll never ask a question.

Science has gone too far

Calling Metal Gear Solid a rip off of Escape From New York is a tremendous stretch.

It's got nothing to with thinking narrative-driven games are "lesser and illegitimate."

AT's getting a teensy bit long in the tooth for me, I hope it gets a graceful ending in the next season or two

Since when is poor art not a fair criticism of an animated series?

You've made this same argument several times in this comment section and have gotten the same response, but no, because rape statistically speaking affects a large percentage of the audience of the show and is a contentious issue in our culture in a way that being skinned alive is not. At this point I think you're

Taking people's mental well-being into consideration isn't censorship. And the argument isn't that rape should be a forbidden subject, but because of the impact it leaves on its survivors it should be handled more thoughtfully than the Game of Thrones writers have done.

>there's no reason to believe the writers won't make it important

Hell, Regular Show used "crap" in more than one episode.

I think that some of these arguments stem from a misunderstanding of the intent of the Tropes vs Women series. I don't think Anita's videos are intending to be 'arguments' for anything at all.


I haven't seen the episode yet, but I've been reading a lot of comments like this here, and it's making me pretty excited.

Investigations was the same team as Dual Destinies? Huh, I didn't like Dual Destinies as much as the rest of the series, but it was definitely better than Investigations, which was just bad in my opinion.

Thankfully, Takumi is confirmed to return as director for Ace Attorney 6.

I think if all they wanted was to meet the angels, Lot wouldn't have tried offering up his daughters to the crowd to placate them.

I think they mention at one point that because the Giver has so much knowledge of the terrible decisions by past societies, he can help in preventing the community from making any similar potentially damaging decisions, since the rest of them don't learn anything about the past beyond their society.

The final nail in the coffin for me for The Walking Dead was playing the video game by TellTale. It's just so much better in every way I couldn't put up with the TV show anymore.

I used to skip over her segments after her first couple, but I started watching them again when they came up and found them fairly enjoyable. She isn't my favorite correspondent but I think she's improved since joining the show.