Modest Mauser

I'm wondering if Martin's skyrocketing fame has caused a sort of George Lucas-style scenario where his editors are too afraid to contradict him or try to get him to throw anything out. Dance was so horribly bogged down with meaningless filler chapters I barely finished it.

The cliffhanger fakeouts are the worst. Taking a book or two to slow down, move the pieces around, and set up the finale is just fine.

I agree that there are a lot of things in Feast and Dance that are fantastic, but my problem is with the length and plotting. Both books are overstuffed with plotlines that never reach any meaningful conclusion.

The trailer really does look terribly generic and inconsistent in tone, and the personalities of book-Hazel and book-Augustus don't seem to come across just right.

I don't understand people hating the art style just because it isn't hand-drawn. Sure, it's done on computers, but the art is still gorgeously directed, Kevin Dart is a great artist and the new look is unique and stylish.

I mean, I honestly hope not. They were good characters but a lot of stuff that happens in Dorne is just so unnecessary to the larger plot.

There's also the issue of the aging child actors, they really can't wait around for more material or they'll have to recast central characters.

I'm not sure I would agree, but they're pretty radically different and hard to compare anyways.

They may have seemed off by Parks standards, but were still better than most TV comedies.

If you really needed to know, couldn't you just look at the scrollbar on the side of your browser?

I was excited for Kill la Kill, but the overabundance of fan service really ruins it for me. I've seen internet posts trying to defend it as a complex satire of fanservice in other such shows, but it isn't really a parody of a thing if you just do that exact thing without irony.

I understand this, but it feels to me like she's almost taken a step back compared to where she was when the show first premiered. It's like season one never happened.