

I thought it was a pretty common thing to happen in marathons.

The guy's a G, though.

Poor guy. I wonder how badly this picture haunts his life. : /

Pooping after running is, like, the only enjoyable part of running.

I can't live without my Revlon slant-tip tweezers. All others fail me with their thick pinchers.

Uuuuugh. The most disgusting thing I've been unable to stop watching ever.

also like brb going to exfoliate

I found a French-language explanation.

She must have been found being gay. Luckily, the jails in Sochi aren't done yet either.

Stupid sexy flanders.

Just remember: if NBC is showing you a foreign participant, it's because they are about to crash hilariously. If NBC is showing you a 'Merican, it's because they're about to win. Looks like we need the haters guide to NBC Olympics next.

I remember when a dude fell and they said his snowsuit melted into his skin. BAD. ASS.

Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all

My guess: pink eye, brought on by Al Michaels rubbing his ass on Costas' pillow.

"I can see them from my house!"

Oh my god, are you okay?

That's what he gets for cleaning his monocle with Sochi water.

I would totally fall off and hurt myself. How do people use these things??