Fat Spinster

I remember the hell this woman got on Television Without Pity boards. Everyone called her Crying Pam. I miss TWOP. It was my second favorite waste of my employer’s time behind Gawker. God damn it I miss Gawker!

Same. I love one and hate the other. Hint for anyone interested: my fantasy football team is No Scrubs.

What vile people these are. I’m hoping the Satanists get involved. I would love to donate money for some devil worshipping t-shirts for some brave, forward-thinking young Kentuckians to wear to school.

He also said there will be something for everyone who voted which I’m assuming means some type of pander to the Deplorables or a “both are horrible” false equivalency. I’m out.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau explains the human decency of not allowing people to die of illness because they’re poor. American Speaker of Lies assumes it’s a joke.

Their constant flip flopping gives me whiplash. It’s like Joe flips a coin everyday to decide his opinion. Mika used to be good but now her opinions are based on trying to impress her squinty-eyed white bread boyfriend.

I speak for many when I say we don’t give a fuck what you or middle America thinks, troll. If it takes cozying up to the likes of moronic Deplorables to win elections, I’m happy to be part of the losing resistance.

I was significantly more offended by her retraction than her original statement. One of these candidates is a life-long public servant and the other is the David Miscavige of The Deplorables.

The SNL Premiere was killing it until Weekend Update “bros” started with their “both candidates suck” bullshit. Not only is it sexist, it’s the same tired, unfunny, cowardly rhetoric that’s been clogging my social media streams for months now. It’s the satiric equivalent of #AllLivesMatter.

I’m going to pull a Trump and post all day to every available outlet about how much I want to slut shame Melania for her soft-core, lesbian porn but I just can’t because I’m too classy blah, bull shit, blah. Copies to Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham on each one.

I wanted the murderous tool to go first but at least he knows America hates him more than Ryan Lochte.

ABC Action News reporter Sarina Fazan just earned herself an angry @ tweet!

To keep talking about the superpredators after she has clearly and decidedly apologized (…) for the statement is indeed sexist. It’s also something I see Trump supporters do every day on Twitter and elsewhere.

I’m happy she took the opportunity to talk about the difficulties of being a woman candidate. The three decades of Hillary bashing are sexist bullshit. Folks from every corner have been after her since she had the nerve to say she’s not interested in baking cookies. TRUTH — whether you want to admit it or not.

I say don’t un-gray the trolls. They have every-fucking-where else. They killed Gawker. Let the sane people have Jezebel.

He is a self-loathing hypocrite who rivals Milo Yiannopoulos and Roy Cohn for the vilest gay man in history. I tweet him at least once a week to remind him no matter how much money he has or how much millennial blood he transfuses, he will die, likely alone and unloved. RIP Gawker.

I bet his tiny, black Grinch heart broke that he couldn’t say anything racist and/or sexist in response. No way he was letting it go on Fox and Friends. I hope all the media outlets cover this today.

I’d like someone to ask him if he thinks Cecile Richards is deplorable. His head might actually explode.

It is President Barack Obama. Also, the quote is from Donald Regan, Chief of Staff for Reagan. “Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco [Quigley] who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets

The idiot Wray is right about one thing which is social media that—memes in particular—is the new recruitment method of the evangelicals. I was raised in an evangelical church and I’ve got enough of them as FB friends to know that memes are their new Bibles. These motherfuckers will literally believe anything in a