Fat Spinster

I live in Georgia and I genuinely wondered the other day how the state was possibly inhabited before air conditioning was invented. For real, like who the fuck lived here and how.

Rupaul’s Emmy win is much deserved. I was making my cousin watch All Stars with me yesterday and mentioned Drag Race should win all an Emmy in the Reality Competition Show and Host categories every year. These queens work harder than any other contestants on television—sewing, singing, acting, modeling, dancing, etc.

One of the great GOP oxymorons along with “conservative think tank.”

I flinched through this part of the Matt Lauer interview convinced he was going to say something stupid enough to get someone killed. I hope they took Harry Reid’s advice and are feeding him bullshit. His dumbass is probably just as dangerous with fake information.

This headline is terrible. Did Steve Bannon write it?

Her joke about him being bi-racial was so terrible I actually flinched.

I agree. The least offensive thing about Ann Coulter is the way she looks.

I saw this movie the weekend it was released before any hint of the “Baster scene” was being discussed. Like any movie viewer, I knew the Blind Man must be some sort of a bad guy else we have no protagonist. I assumed rapist.

Was this the guy?

I don’t think on DWTS but Rod Blagojevich was on Celebrity Apprentice. He’s our blemish. Also, Karl Rove wasn’t on DWTS. You might be thinking of Tom DeLay. It’s easy to get those idiots confused.

I call dick punch.

Duke is right about one thing. He and Trump are on the same page. Why disavow? Trump/Duke 2016 is on message.

Dammit, other Spinster! You scooped me again.

Someone needs to take Rudy’s keys. Seriously. Quit talking to him. He genuinely thinks Hillary stole his Senate seat and now his presidency. Now he’s after Beyonce again. This dude has old white man disease.

It’s the alt-right crowd formerly known as GamerGate swine. Turn ons include Breitbart, guns and Trump. Turn offs are SJWs, Feminazis and Killary supporters. We know these people as the women who reject them. Twitter should ban the accounts of every person who ever used #FreeMilo.

Excellent work. Too bad the more prominent news outlets (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CBS, the New York Times, etc.) were not as thorough.