
People can make and learn from different mistakes. He hasn’t led the crew of Community in a chant of ‘Fuck you, Chevy” and then played Chase’s angry voicemail to the Harmontown audience in years.

Is that Harmon’s first Emmy? Hot take - I like Dan Harmon. Not just his shows. I root for the guy. Yeah, he slips up and acts like a drunken asshole sometimes. He will admit to that, and apologize for it, and try to learn from it. Harmontown is going strong, 300 eps in. Well deserved Emmy win.

Alternate Take: STBY is very good for 75 minutes and unfortunately shits the bed in it’s final act. The sci-fi spin makes the movie unable to stick the landing and actually undermines the messages on class, capitalism and racism.

He’s very wrong

Sam, bless him, isn’t really as in control of his tone as Sean was.

Yeah, this is good news and nobody cares about your hate list.  

Out of all the issues in this season of women coming forward, while the truly criminal assaults carried the most urgency and weight, without question, I honestly feel Ansari’s was the most valuable in opening the discussion about dialogue between partners in this current hook-up culture.

its more than can be said for the likes of Eddie Redmayne or Jared Leto who stuck with it even when there was controversy because they knew theyd potentially be getting a nice shiny Oscar for it

Agreed. There are many in Hollywood that would have used their clout to just get what they wanted and not be open enough to listen.

her original response was definitely lacking, but glad she eventually came around and honest props to her for making the decision to actually drop out.

heh...heh..”put on airs”.

Honestly, this might be the first time one of these “celebs: they’re just like us!” stories has actually worked on me. I’m an Amy Adams fan now! And even less of a fan of McLevy than ever for trying to put on airs and pretend he’s too good for fart jokes.

Nice try! You can’t trick me in to watching it and pumping up its numbers. Find another sucker!

the vixen is an out-of-control asshole. “racism” is her excuse to continue being an asshole and not self-improve. 

Im a bit surprised at Rupauls attitude towards the Vixen. But not so much at the others contestants. The Vixen makes for great TV (sometimes) and her points about racism are important. But she’s also deluded by saying she didn’t start a single fight and frankly it seems the other queens were over it. Monets reaction

Bad take. Should’ve deleted.

Counter-point: Nah, it’s pretty good.

Or what Noah Hawley did with Fargo.

“They will, however, be remixed.”

I enjoyed Glover busting out the Derrick Comedy voice for the lawyer sketch.