
This episode was an utter mess of half-baked ideas. The only exception being Black Jeopardy. Everything else was a waste of Boseman and this cast.

don’t get the R. Kelly choice. kept expecting a revolting punchline/twist between R. Kelly and the Disney princesses, because why else would you use R. Kelly as a character in a skit with teenage girls?

I came into this fully expecting at most a C-, and now I’m just baffled. Sketches seemed to be batting a .333 at max (dear god, why r. Kelly of all people; also, two casual “gypsy” drops in one episode? thought we were collectively over that one), with maybe 2 highs (black jeopardy was, as always, perfection, as was

What do they have to be thankful for? He hasn’t done shit for that organization he just got there and Yankee fans obviously ain’t impressed with just a name. He isn’t playing in a puddle now, he is a big fish in the biggest fish tank . The mentality is the right one if he doesn’t perform he can f off.

Nah, no retcon there. You were just completely misreading the show.

Nixon, who is 51, has never held public office before—not that that really matters in a post-Trump world.

Definitely the best of the season and far better than last weeks garbage. I’d give this episode an A- and last week a D+. I usually agree with AV Club but with SNL I feel like we must not be watching the same show. It seems opposite.

I think this was the best show of the season. The Jurassic Park auditions was the funniest bit in the episode, with many of the cast members getting to shine. The Irish game show was the top live sketch. Cecily Strong’s accent was superb; she has moved pretty close to Kate McKinnon’s level as a performer.

Hey, that’s some good marketing. Good for them.

wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or

To be fair, The AV Club staff is home to plenty of self-loathing white men who wish they were people of color. Surely that must count as diversity of some sort, right?

Well seeing as how 4 of the Star Wars movies were directed by the SAME white man and it was his creation.... this article’s premise is so irrelevant as to pass right by being irritating right to being laughable.

You’d have to be totally crazy to assume Tarantino was malicious in having her drive the car or happy that she got hurt. Dangerous, stupid, careless, sure, but the sloppy writing of the original article mixed with the outraged reactions (often from people who already didn’t like the director for one reason or another)

Its pretty big of her to forgive Tarantino, who (in my opinion) was quite negligible on set (seriously dude, you could have used a stunt double!). Still if she can move past it, then that’s all that really matters.  

Fire the entire writing staff. It’s the only way. I can’t believe it takes 30 people to come up with this shit.

Can we just copy-paste the comment section from last month’s Weinstein article here? I mean, we put a lot of effort into a well-crafted community, and it’s a waste to simply dance in our own footprints like this.

I feel bad for Farrow, but it seems like she’s asking Keaton to choose between her, who she maybe met a couple of times when she was a little girl, and a guy who has been her friend for decades.

In related news, Don Imus is still alive.

Academy - I know it’s tough, what with the British accents and period trappings and speechifying and everything, but could you maybe not give the Best Actor Oscar to Gary Oldman? Brexit Britain really doesn’t need any more encouragement to spew out Britain-stands-alone Blitzploitation movies.

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