
Imagine the high-fives exchanged all over Mecca the day she made the announcement. Praise be, we got her!

That doesn’t make any sense. Stewart’s “chance” was being surprised by a college student at a speaking event who said he read on the Internet that Louis CK had mastrubated in front of women. There were zero credible sources on that at the time and no named accusers. I don’t know what anyone could possibly have

Following the twist, their rivalry morphs into a story about a white woman seeking to unseat a multiracial, black woman from her social station—specifically by exposing the truth about her heritage. The term “half-breed” should be seen as quite loaded in this context.

Emma Stone will be cast as Mikasa.

Ironically this is the one anime where you can basically completely avoid a whitewashing controversy a la Ghost In The Shell since basically everyone sans one character in the main cast is explicitly white as fuck.

You're definitely an asshole 

new Daughters album is very good and one of the better rock albums in ages.


“I’m allowed to say whatever I want because I’m never doing another Marvel movie.”

Kevin Feige is gonna have this guy sent to the Grillotine.

We all clicked, though. 

Agreed. It must suck, though, for him to look at the comments; hopefully he just never does.

I disliked Baskin Johns. She reminded me too much of when Heidi played the teenage movie reviewer. Same vocal cadence, same type of behavior.

I’m Arundel, looking with bemusement at you because I had forgotten your ugly troll existence.  Piss off. 

What exactly do you want? The AV Club did cover this. Weiner did say something piggish and sexually harrassing towards a woman writer with whom he had co-won an Emmy. “You owe it to me to let me see you naked.” Yes, it’s disgusting. I was never under the impression that Weiner was a nice guy.

Vive le croissant!

Jim Belushi beats the crap out of him in an episode of the new Twin Peaks. 

So glad someone else feels this way 

Ugh, Brett Gelman. He’s one of those actors that (for me) ruins scenes. It bums me out when I watch a show and he’s in it. Married, Fleabag, Love, he’s the weak link in all of them.

“So, you Academy voters like Moonlight, huh? Well, I’ll give ya the whole damn moon! See how you like me then!”